夏令营邮件怎么写( 二 )

在旅游期间,甲方应派医务人员、保安人员等随行,以保证本次旅游的顺利进行 。4.甲方不得擅自变更或解除合同,否则按约定赔偿乙方损失额________元 。
5.由于甲方的原因导致乙方受到财产损失和人身伤害的,甲方负赔偿责任 。如因第三人的过错造成损失的,甲方在赔偿后,有权向第三人追偿 。
三、乙方的权利义务及违约金 1.乙方应按时交纳夏令营的全额费用 。严格按照报名方法中的要求交纳款项 。
如违反双方规定的时限和金额,甲方有权对乙方不负任何责任 。取消乙方的旅游事项 。
2.乙方应遵守甲方安排在夏令营当中的安全事项及其他合理要求,不得擅自单独行动,否则后果自负 。3.乙方应及时与甲方沟通联系,享有知情权 。
4.报名参加的某期夏令营开营时未能到达,因所有工作均已安排,恕不退费 。5.不能按期举行视为组织者的责任,该期开营前10天通知家长,并于发出通知的30日内全额退费 。
6.海外学员三月底以前报名交费者可以免报名费,四月一日起加收海外学员报名费 。国内学员四月底以前报名交费者可以免报名费,五月一日起加收国内学员报名费 。
五月三十一日以前需交纳所有营费,逾期未交营费者,视为退团 。6月一日以后报名者,报名费、营费需在报名日一次性全部交纳 。
五月一日前退团全额退费 。六月一日前退团,扣除报名费七月一日前退团,扣除报名费,另外扣除25%营费 。
报名参加的某期夏令营开营一周前退团,扣除报名费,另外扣除50%营费 。四、活动内容及安排 1.价格:__________________________________________ 2.时间:__________________________________________ 3.地点:__________________________________________ 4.线路:__________________________________________ 5.住宿:__________________________________________ 6.交通工具:______________________________________ 7.旅游费用的约定:________________________________ 8.旅游费用的支付方式和时间:______________________ 五、其它约定:_____________________________________ 六、本次合同一式两份,从签订之日起生效至活动结束有效 。
甲方:_____________________ 乙方: ___________________签名盖章:_________________ 签名盖章:________________签订时间:_________________ 签订时间:________________ 。
5. 假如你是黄晓慧,想参加这个夏令营,请根据表格里德内容发一封电 Dear XXX(sir or madam),
I would like to take part in the summer camp. I am 14 years old. And i'm a girl. I like to make friends,so i think i can be good with other children. I am good at singing and dancing. I also like sports. I can do anything on my own. For example I can wash clothes and cook.I will take a cemera to take some photos.when we are back,l will show them to my classmates. I hope it will be a wonderful holiday for everyone.I will improve my abilities. Could I join you ? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
XXX(Huang Xiaohui)
6.Dear Chairman,
I am LiHua ,a student of NO.1middle school of ChangSha ,Hunan province.I learn from the internet that the International Students Organization will hold a summer camp in Singapore
now ,I am very eager to write to you to apply to this camp.
I think it will be a big chance for me to communicate with students from other countries,which will also improve my Engligh very much .I can also make more friends and can learn the culture of other countries.All of this sound so wonderful.
It will be my great honor if I can get your permmiton to take part in the summer camp,looking forward to your good news .
Yours ,
Li Hua
7. 夏令营的申请附件怎么压缩 夏令营的总类很多,但申请格式套路基本相同,称谓和落款与其它申请书一样,正文一般包括以下两部分:一是自我介绍;二是参加夏令营的原因 。