钢琴家的英语怎么写( 三 )

像俗话说“好开始是成功的一半”,做一名好钢琴家是困难的,但是我相信,如果我努力去做这事 。我将最终会成功 。
7. 九上,写一篇介绍世界著名钢琴家郎朗的英语短文【钢琴家的英语怎么写】 Langlang is one of the famous pianists in the world. When he was young, his father sent him to a piano class, the boy studied very hard, after a few days, his tutor pronounced he was not the right person to play piano, and would never achieve anything even though he worked hard. Fortunately, langlang was not gave up. Instead, since then, he pushes himself so hard to learn piano, and step by step, year by year, now, he has become one of the most famous young pianists in the world. I admire the young boy who controls his fate by himself, rather than his temporary teacher, and the spirit of never give up is also worth me to study. 。