雅思饼图怎么写( 二 )

3. 求帮忙写一篇雅思小作文 The charts give information about how people aged from 17 to 19 years, from 30 to 45 years and over 46 years choose their accommodations in Evonia.
As can be seen in the first chart, the percentage of people aged between 17 and 19 years who rent accommodations with others comes first which occupies 25%, followed by those of people who live in hotel (30%), single rental accommodation (21%) and their own apartments (12%). People who live in their own houses have the lowest proportion of accommodation choices, which only occupies 2%.
However, a substantial portion of people aged from 30 to 45 years and over 46 years possess their own houses, just following the amount of people who own their own apartments. In spite of this,a great number of people aged from 30 to 45 years live in single rental accommodations and shared rental accommodations, making up 25 % and 9% respectively. There are only 2% people at this age living in hostel accommodations. Nevertheless, the phenomena of living in hostel accommodations don' exist anymore among people aged over 46 years. A small handful of people (13%) begin a new accommodation choice called assisted living instead.
These three pie charts show that most young people don't have their own houses, they rent house by themselves or with other people, but the majority of middle-aged people and old people have their own accommodation (apartments or houses).
这个 。。。文章可能烂了点 。。还有很多低级词语 。。凑合着看下////
4. 如何准确表达雅思小作文饼状图中的“百分比” 在拿到小作文的题目时 , 我们要先审图 , 做完了审图的工作后 , 我们就可以着手开始选词了 。在饼图中 , 表示“百分比”的句子是必不可少的 , 一般表示百分比有两种比较容易掌握的句型 , 我们不妨来看下面的这两个句子 。
a. The full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for make up 11%.
b. The percentage of the full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for makes up 11%.
细看这两个句子 , 大家就可以明显看出这两句话的区别 , 即主语选用的对象不同 。
那么 , 如果所有的句子都这样写的话 , 是不是会造成很多的重复呢?这点考生不用担心 , 因为就像我们可以用“go up”来代替“increase”一样 , 当我们想要表达“占多少百分比”时 , 我们也可以采用一些动词词组来替换“make up” , 比如说“account for”和“constitute” , 甚至可以用“be”动词 。
5. 雅思写作图表题到底应该怎么写 雅思写作图表题到底应该怎么写由于线形图和柱状图都包含三个要素 , 横坐标、纵坐标和小注 , 且经分析发现 , 考题中大部分线形图、柱状图的横坐标往往是时间 , 纵坐标往往是数字 。
对于其他线形图和柱状图 , 即使这两个要素没有出现在其横、纵坐标中 , 也会在小注中标出来 , 而这时原本小注中的items或activities则会出现在横、纵坐标上 。所以线形图和柱状图本质上都包含时间、数字和items/activities ,  只不过这三个要素不一定对应横坐标、纵坐标、小注中的哪一个 。
(更多雅思学习内容 , 移步WeChat:longre_ada)其中“时间”往往是指一段时间 , 如果一个图表仅仅标注出了一个时间点 , 那么这道题目往往会包含两个甚至更多的同类图表 , 以此来实现时间段对应的数字的变化 , 也就是趋势 。换言之 , 这两种图表有着共同的三个要素——时间段、数字和items/activities ,  所以线形图的三个审题角度极值、趋势、交点同样适用于柱状图 。