怎么写广告作文英语作文( 二 )

看起来无论你走到哪里 , 她都会映入你的眼帘:超市、地铁、车站、公共建筑的墙体、垃圾桶甚至T恤衫 。广告的内容可以关于任何东西:从卖电话到租房 , 从治疗疑难杂症到办假证 。
/(从家用物品到大型机器、从玩具到航天器) 毫不夸张的说 , 我们生活在一个广告世界里 。广告的优点很明显 。
它给我们提供大批量的商品和服务 , 供我们做出最好的选择 。对于商家而言 , 他们可以利用广告展示自己商品的特点 , 以便抓住消费者的视线来获取利润 。
然而 , 我们也不能小视广告的缺点 。①太多的广告会搞乱我们的生活并浪费我们宝贵的时间 。
它们打断电视节目 , 塞满我们的信箱 , 损毁了我们对自然的欣赏代替兴趣 。人们通常对它们感到负担而不是满足 。
②另一方面 , 有些广告是非法的 , 传递错误信息并意在欺骗那些想急于解决问题的人 。该到了我们采取紧急并有效措施来抑制这一现象的时候了 。
①我们应加大市场监管的力度 。关键是我们要严格规范市场秩序以避免有些人钻市场管理的漏洞 。
②任何利用广告欺骗消费者的人都应受到惩罚或入狱 。③我们应教育人们遵守法律并把诚实守信放在首位 。
只有把这些措施付诸实践 , 我们的社会才会被净化成一个居住的天堂 。
4. 写一篇英语作文,关于广告的 In our food shore ,we have french fries,ice cream,strawberries,salad,hamburger,orange,tomato on sale.
【怎么写广告作文英语作文】All the foods on sale have optimal price.
welcome to come.
only we say good is not enough ,so please taste .
if you just want to have a look we will welcome too.
Thank you.
5. 英语作文:写一篇广告 Could the iPhone 6 be Apple's thinnest ever handset? Concept images reveal new model could be just 3mm thick Apple surprised a number of people last year when it unveiled its super-thin iPad Air, and rumours suggest it could be working on making an equally slender version of its iPhone. Two concept images have emerged that show Apple's next-generation handset with a slender chassis, as well as a larger 5-inch screen similar to those seen on the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One. The first concept predicts the phone - dubbed the 'iPhone Air' - will be 4.5mm thick, while the second goes a step further showing the device as 1.5mm at the top and 3mm at the bottom. By comparison, Apple's current iPhone 5S has a depth of 7.6mm, while the iPad Air is slightly thinner at 7.5mm. Up until August last year, Huawei was the record-holder for the thinnest phone in the world with its Ascend P6, at 6.18mm. This was then replaced by the Vivo X3 at just 5.75mm. In order to make the Apple phone super-thin, Fuse Chicken's concept suggests doing away with the physical home button in place of touchscreen keys. SET Solution's concept, instead, keeps the home button by making the bottom of the phone thicker than the top. It also appears taller than Fuse Chicken's version in order to fit the larger screen. Apple's iPhone has one of the smalllest screens on the market and many experts predicted the screen on the iPhone 5S would be the first to break the 4-inch mark - but it didn't. Apple's CEO Tim Cook has previously said his firm has kept to smaller screens because they're easier to use and more comfortable to hold in the hand. However, with main rivals Samsung, HTC and Nokia releasing phones with screens in the 5-inch region, analysts claim Apple may have to increase the size of their designs to appeal to more people. Last November, designer Martin Hajek created a concept demonstrating it was possible to increase the iPhone's screen size, without drastically increasing the size of the handset. In his image, the screen is shown as stretched to reach left and right edges. However, because the bezel would need to be a certain size to avoid the screen being touched by accident, when it's picked up for example, the usable screen size would be much smaller reduced. According to Forbes journalist Anthony Wing Kosner: 'The only way I could see something that thin working for users, is if the material was flexible as well so it could easily slip into a pocket.' He continued that if Apple was capable of making a phone as thin as the concepts suggest, which would also depend on making the components small and thin enough to fit inside the chassis, it could also pave the way for foldable devices. 。