自传英语怎么写( 三 )

家里只有一个小孩子,但我可不是那种被宠坏的小孩,父母亲就怕我变得娇纵,所以从小就训练我要独立 。在我求学的过程中我不仅品学兼优,在运动场上也是很活跃的一份子,同时也参与许多的社团活动 。
加入了排球社并且非常喜欢那种团队精神,我也是话剧社的一份子,还参加了许多次的英语演讲比赛 。我非常喜欢参加学校的活动,不但可以交到许多朋友,享受许多的乐趣,并且还可以得到多种不同的宝贵经验 。
我当了快要三年的英文小老师,我很喜欢和别人讨论一起分享学习英语的经验 。我们常常阅读《中国邮报》和《时代》杂志,一起讨论内容和英文的用词,并且用英语练习讨论读过的文章 。
刚开始的时侯大家都觉得很难,因为我们甚至连文章都看不太懂,可是我们互相鼓励要大家不要放弃 。渐渐的发觉我们的英文有进步了,我们可是兴奋至极呢,而后小组讨论英文书和杂志变成我们每周最快乐的事 。
我在高二时参加英语演讲比赛还得第一名,我写的许多英语文章还被刊登《学生邮报》上 。我对英语的兴趣是从小就开始培养的,当家里只有一个小孩是很孤独的,从小就没有人可以陪我玩,母亲知道我会孤单,所以她到哪里都带着我 。
书店便成为我小时侯的游乐场,书本也就成为我从小的玩伴 。妈妈常常会拿一些有着很可爱插图的书给我看,一开 。
5. 求一篇英语自传 My name is Cheng Gong. I was born in Chongqing on Feb. 14, 1980. My father is a worker in a facto, producing clothes and shoes. My mother is a middle school teacher. My brother owns a small bookshop near a college. Most of my family members help him run the bookshop when we have time!
At the age of thirteen, I came to Wanzhou to attend a secondary school. I stayed with my grandmother. For the first time I realized that nowhere is better than home. My grandmother's house is much larger than that of ours and furnished with modern furniture. However, I still miss my parents, brothers and sisters.
One thing I learned in those days (of leaving away from) home alone is that all parents love their children so much that they even sacrifice their own time to take care of their dear children. I hope I will be able to treat my parents well when they grow old.
I owe my knowledge to my teacher Miss Lin who made me study hard, especially in English. During the summer vacation, she gave me free tutoring in her house. I learned to read English newspapers and magazines, and this opened my eyes to a lot of interesting things. I remember my teacher once said that "there is no shortcut in learning anything."
I also learn to write simple letters and exchange correspondence with penpals in foreign countries. Some of them even came to Wanzhou to see me. We read those letters together and had much fun talking to each other. I showed them our happy life and was told about their homelands. I believe that this is a good way to promote friendship on a people-to-people basis.
I began to teach in an institute two years ago, but I soon found that it would not do me much good to continue teaching, because I had little chance to learn more about the wider world. I don't mind working hard every day but I want to learn more and meet more
6. 怎么写英文自传 能给个例子吗 hi,my name is ///,l is student.my shool is ///.my favorite sport is basketball ,Because it fun .What's your favorite subject? oh! l love music because it is relaxing .But,l don't like history. Because it really boring .l like apples,oranges,strawberries,but,l favorite fruit is pears.And,l like food is potato,salad,ice-cream.l think the is useful . thank you 。

