邮递员英语怎么写( 二 )

3. 医生和护士和邮递员的英语单词怎么写 邮递员的英文可以说成letter carrier,mail carrier,postman,mail man或mailman 。
e68a84e8a2ade79fa5e9819331333361306439例句:①He used to be a mail carrier. 他过去是一名邮递员 ②Are they postmen or policemen? 他们是邮递员还是警察? ③The letter carrier found the package wrapped haphazardly in a plastic bag, with no mailing address or return address, and notified police. 信差发现该包裹被随便包在一个塑料袋中 。由于上面既没有寄信地址也没有回信地址,信差马上通知了警方 。
nurse[nE:s]n.护士, 保姆vt.护理, 看护v.照料nursenurseAHD:[n?rs] D.J.[n*8s]K.K.[n)s]n.(名词)A person educated and trained to care for the sick or disabled.护士,看护:被教育和训练用来照顾病人或残废人的人A woman employed to suckle children other than her own; a wet nurse.奶妈:被雇佣给别人的而不是自己的孩子哺乳的人;奶妈A woman employed to take care of a child; a nursemaid.保姆,养育者:被雇佣来照看孩子的妇女;保姆One that serves as a nurturing or fostering influence or means:养育者,培养者:做为养育或培养因素或方法者:“Town life is the nurse of civilization”(C.L.R. James)“城市生活是文明的养育者”(C.L.R.詹姆斯)Zoology A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young.【动物学】 工蚁,工蜂:喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂v.(动词)nursed, nurs.ing, nurs.esv.tr.(及物动词)To serve as a nurse for:看护:给…当护士:nursed the patient back to health.护理病人恢复健康To feed at the breast; suckle.给…喂奶;哺乳To try to cure by special care or treatment:调养,调治:试图通过特殊护理或治疗而治愈:nurse a cough with various remedies.用各种药方治疗咳嗽To treat carefully, especially in order to prevent pain:护理:小心地对待,尤指为防止疼痛:He nursed his injured knee by shifting his weight to the other leg.把重心移到另一腿上,以护理他受伤的膝盖To manage or guide carefully; look after with care; foster:细心管理,仔细栽培:小心地操纵或指导;细心照料;培养:nursed her business through the depression.See Synonyms at nurture 在经济萧条中精心料理她的生意参见 nurtureTo bear privately in the mind:怀有:脑中私自抱有想法:nursing a grudge.怀恨在心To consume slowly, especially in order to conserve:节约使用:精打细算地花:nursed one drink for the whole evening.整个晚上在慢慢地品一杯酒v.intr.(不及物动词)To serve as a nurse.当护士To take nourishment from the breast; suckle.吸奶:从乳房中吸取营养;吸奶Middle English norice, nurse [wet nurse] 中古英语 norice, nurse [奶妈] from Old French norrice 源自 古法语 norrice from Vulgar Latin *nutroa 源自 俗拉丁语 *nutroa from Late Latin n?ocia} 源自 后期拉丁语 n?ocia} from feminine of Latin n?ocius} [that suckles] 源自 拉丁语 n?ocius的阴性词} [喂奶] from n?ox} n?troc- [wet nurse] * see (s)n3u- 源自 n?ox} n?troc- [奶妈] *参见 (s)n3u-医生[yī shēng] 词典 doctor; mediciner; medical man; Dr; doc. 。

