回绝信怎么写( 二 )

祝您早日找到合适的工作 。**公司 人力资源部 年月日 烟鱼儿 2006-2-8 06:15 你们公司真好,一般的单位根本就不会告诉你你被拒绝了 。
我现在还没有做人事工作,但我想做这行,就我的求职经历来说,我希望招聘人员能够告诉我,我应聘这个职位有那些不足,这样对我做相应的学习也有帮忙,毕竟你们对了解这个职位的工作内容,这样做并不是打击我的信心,而是在帮我怎么样去弥补我的不足 。呵,个人意见 。
天々 2006-2-13 05:32 首先对他能力进行肯定,然后告诉他目前公司现状不适宜他的个人发展,希望以后有机会合作 黑劳模 2006-4-27 07:29 Dear XX: Thank you for your application for the position of xx and appreciate your interest in our company. But we are regretting to inform you that we can not invite you to join our team at the moment although we are impressed with your qualification. Please understand that this is not a negative evaluation of your accomplishment, but rather reflection of our unique hiring needs. However we have put your resume to our talent pool so we can contact you conveniently should an appropriate position come up in future. Thank you again for considering xxx. as your choice. Wish you ever success in your career path. Sincerely yours! 查看完整版本: 面试后的拒绝信如何写? 。

