ps的开头怎么写( 二 )

4. 美国留学文书ps开头怎样写最动人 (一)美国留学文书写作ps开门见山法 例如: I was lucky in the fact that I picked chemical engineering and it turned out to be the right choice for me 。
However, my first semester at college was a rude shock - being away from home for the first time, being in a relatively male-dominated field 。I started in a test lab for airplanes, where I got to break things 。
That is called static and fatigue testing 。Then I went into design for airplanes 。
I worked on all areas of commercial planes including the floors and windows 。。
I am most proud of my testing projects 。(二)美国留学文书写作倒叙法 例如: On the commencement I was deeply touched by myself 。
The reason I was so excited was neither the progress on my students' study nor my excellent graduate thesis award 。The only reason that made me in tears was that I am one of the few undergraduate students who attended many researches in the department and got guide on special knowledge and personal growth 。
During my four years study I established a good relationship with my instructors and classmates 。When the leaving day came I was moved by my success and the strived life for all these four years 。
5. 不要陷入美国留学PS开头结尾的几大俗套 开头: 1. 一叶知秋型 “从我五岁开始/很小的时候开始,我就阅读了关于XXX的XX书籍/就喜欢观察思考/拆卸玩具/我身为XXX的爸爸就把他高大的身影烙在了我心里…… 所以我从XX岁开始就立志做一个XXX……” 解读:这是personal statement或statement of purpose,不是人生传记;大家都用这样的美国留学PS开头,好象都是幼儿立志少年奋发型,弗洛伊德得太不真实 。
如果确实有孩童时期特殊的经历诸如六岁就到MIT实验室参观过写也无妨,一般平凡如我的话还是能省则省 。2. 豪情引语型 “Nothing is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow". This old saying always lingers in my mind; it reminds me that every dream can be reached through hard work 。”
解读:一切皆有可能 。这段开头真是很振奋人心,然而,在西方文化中,别人不会立刻理解你想表达什么,尤其是在你的“personal”文章里 。
永远不要以大而空的议论开头,去谈诸如人类的本性和人生的真谛 。何况,除非真的完美配合,引用名言即使在中文作文里也已经是遍地开花了 。
最常见的引用:《阿甘正传》-人生就像一盒巧克力 。
.为什么不中国特色一点写八宝粥 。.? 建议:大多数时候,最好的美国留学PS开头方式是做到尽可能的自然、个人和流畅 。
文科你只需讲一个简单的故事,让读者自己去想这故事表达了一些什么,或者直接就以令人信服的方式,摆明你的观点 。理工科申请者再干脆一点,就直接进入我做了某某工程咯 。
结尾: 泛泛吹捧型 “America is the most advanced place for XXX. Your department is an idea place for research, not only because there are many great researchers but because the rich atmosphere of University of B is very attractive as well……” 解读:在结尾表明一下自己为什么选择对方学校和院系是无可厚非的,但是这种能套用到n所大学的句子还是能免则免 。对方当然知道自己学校好,无须你的溢美之辞;最重要的是写名哪个具体的特点或者老师吸引了你,如何与你的治学经历和研究方向匹配,它如何帮助你,你又如何为它创造价值 。
最后,引用一个最具有喜剧效应的美国留学PS大俗套: 开头:我妈是医生,所以我学制药;我们家房子破,所以我考了建筑系 。
中间:我高考考的贼高,进了中国的某名牌大学,我英语狂好,成绩也好,我专业就别提了,什么项目都参与了. 结尾:我要申请你这个牛校,你系牛,你教授也牛…… 以上就是我们为大家归纳总结的美国留学PS开头结尾的几大俗套,如果说国内学生的PS都是这种写法的话,毫无疑问会引起美国招生委员会的反感 。申请人应该发掘自己的亮点,写出与众不同的开头和结尾,才能够吸引招生官员的眼球 。