英语祝贺信怎么写( 四 )

范例:1、贺生日 Congratulations on a birthday Dear Babs:So you're a year older today —— or don't you want to be reminded? Anyway, congratulations and best wishes.If you feel like holding a celebration, will you let me take you to dinner and the movies, as a sort of birthday treat? You name the day. And in the mealtime, many happy returns!Cordially,Tom 亲爱的巴博斯:今天您又大了[一岁]了 , 您不喜欢别人这样对你讲吗?但不管怎样 , 我得向您祝贺 , 表示美好的祝愿 。如果您对庆贺有雅兴的话 , 我想请您吃饭 , 或看电影 , 作为祝贺您生日的款待 。
请定个日期 , 同时 , 祝您幸福愉快!2、祝贺朋友大学毕业 Congratulations on graduation Dear Mr. Li:I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday. I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success. As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon. I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Tom 亲爱的李先生:从王英处得悉你以优异的成绩毕业于华北清华大学 , 我可以想像 , 你的父母现在是怎样地引以为荣 。他们一直殷切地希望你获得辉煌的成就 。
我听说你不久要到美国去继续深造 。预祝你在学习和研究工作上取得更大的成就 。
3、祝贺新年 A letter extending New Year greetings Dear Mr. Barton:As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2009.I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture between our two countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with you.Yours faithfully,Tom 亲爱的巴顿先生:至此2009年即将到来之际 , 我谨向你致以最良好的祝愿和问候 。我希望 , 在新的一年里我们两国之间的文化交流有进一步的增加 , 并希望我们与你们之间的友好关系继续下去 。
8. 英语的祝贺信 To my beloved elder sister:
Happy birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderous day and receive lots of presents. One more year has passed and we have alll become a bit more mature than before. During the course of life, we will all change, meet new people and go to new places. But for me, you will always be my beloved elder sister who has always looked after me and taken care for me.
May this day be ever so special~
(your name)
呵呵 , 不大知道你姐姐是什么性格 , 就猜测着写了这个 , 虽说有点煽情吧 , 但是送姐姐 , 自我感觉还是不错 。希望对你有帮助 。
9. 英语作文 Dear Uncle Jackie,
I heard that you got a promotion to be a manager in your company recently. Congratulations to you! I know that you have been working really hard. You totally deserve it! I really feel very happy for your achievement!
And your 40th birthday is around the corner too ! I want to express my heatfelt blessings to you. Wish your health, richness and happiness in the years to come, and greater success in your career.
Best Regards,
Yours truly,
Jim Green
10. 英语的祝贺信 1.The meteor shower, my best wishes to your heart, and rushing rivers, is my greetings for the direction you wish . rain wash my of your heart, may the golden sunlight. full your feet in it's not unusual for days, I have no words can only work quietly to my wishes you happy birthday to my sister, and may the coming days icing on the cake!(漫天的流星雨 , 是我撒向你心头的祝福 , 奔流不息的江河 , 是我投向你无尽的问候.愿霏霏的雨丝洗尽你心中的烦愁 , 愿金灿灿的阳光洒满你脚下路.在这不平常的日子里 , 我没有千言万语 , 只能默默送上我真挚的祝福:祝姐姐生日快乐 , 愿未来的日子锦上添花!)2.The note will be happy as a gift for you and hope you have a beautiful days 365 wishes you a happy birthday!(将快乐的音符 , 作为礼物送给你 , 愿您拥有365个美丽的日子 , 衷心地祝福你生日快乐!) 。