回顾的英语怎么写( 二 )

13, the last page is about to be over, review found that too much sour, sweet, bitter, hot: you love. Hate, you have lost, you laugh. Tears, you succeed, fail。. ray of a clear, how much good can aftertaste, how much memory is worth preserving, how many frustration worry must lay down; work steadily, not on the things you have done annoyed, at least you gained experience, but also not to tread a little achievement, because you will face the new year new challenges, the past can only represent you've walked past the road. 14,每个人都将谱写一曲新的篇章,新年不会计较你的过去,新年会象人世迎接初生婴儿般欢迎你!这一刻开始,给自己定一个目标,为自己刻画一幅蓝图,希望点什么,改掉些若干 。
.静一静想一想,把过去抛到脑后,展望你崭新的一年,无论理想实现的艰难,至少你想去努力;结果并不重要,重要在享受过程,把理想与奋斗相结合,相信自己:我一定可以!我一定行 14, everyone will compose a new chapter, the new year will not care about your past, new year will welcome you as the world meet the newborn baby! This moment, set a goal for himself, depicts a blueprint for themselves, want something, to get rid of some。

