雅思地图题怎么写( 二 )

1. 图中器具类(crusher, mixer, rotating heater, grinder, bags)都是可数名词 。
0) I like apple.(误,可数名词不能单独出现)
1) I like the apple.(正,the apple指苹果这一类事物)
2) I like apples.(正)
3) I like the apples.(正)
4) I like an apple.(正)
2. 图中材料类(limestone, clay, power, cement, water, sand, gravel)都是不可数名词(加了-s都是错的) 。
第二,应该判断词性是否可变 。
The first flow chat shows how cement is produced and what materials and equipment are required in the process.
The production of cement can be divided into 4 steps and limestone and clay are the raw materials required. They are first crushed into powder by two crushers. The powder is mixed in a mixer before being heated in a cylindrical rotating heater. What comes out of the heater is then ground into the desired cement, which is later packaged in individual bags.
The second chart illustrates that cement can be used to produce concrete and that the concrete-producing process is much simpler than that of cement alone. The procedure consists only of combining cement, sand, gravel and water in a concrete mixer, and the proportions of each ingredient need to be 15%, 25%, 50% and 10% respectively.
Even though concrete is an essential ingredient in the production of cement, concrete mainly consists of gravel.
4. 怎么写好雅思小作文地图题 你看看这篇范文对你有帮助吗?
I'd like to talk about a cafe called Leisure Fun. It's located near myapartment at a plaza called Fuhui Square. The shop is on the first floor, bythe street.
The inside of the cafe is very European style. I mean, it's a veryartistic place. On the wall, there are lots of artworks.
I was especially impressed by this one painting in which there is amermaid on the beach, and there are some French words. Truth be told, I wasmostly attracted to the French words because I learnt a little bit French. Iremember this word calld MER, which in English means sea.
I visit this cafe quite often, partly because its location is veryclose to my apartment, and partly because they have very appealing afternoontea offers, like you can buy a drink and get a dessert for only 38 kuai, gooddeal, right?
And I tried a new food I never tried before, it's called Croissant, inChinese it means sheep horn bun. Of course you know what I mean. You probablyhave tried that before. It was really special-looking and it tasted very crisp.
So what I like most about this cafe is its service. Let me tell youwhat the service is like. The servers are very inviting; once you enter theshop, they greet you warmly with a genuine smile. You can feel that warmth fromtheir faces. And then they are very responsive as well; if you have any specialrequest or if you just wanna get their attention, you just need to raise yourhand and they will come to you within 3 seconds. That's why I frequent this shop. Possibly, we're gonna meet each other there some day.
5. 有雅思地图题小作文的真题吗 推荐有一本书专门讲雅思地图题的,也讲流程图,《向雅思流程图说YES》 。
里边几乎收录了迄今为止所有的地图题真题 。范文书上都有,每道题目都有范文,也有讲解怎么写,专用词汇、语法、句型 。
地图题分两种,一种为地理变迁题,一种为选址题 。
地理变迁题描述的是一个地方(多为一个城镇)在一段时间的发展变化 。地图题第二类为选址题 如剑5The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket. 为一个城镇的超市选址,有两个位置 S1 和S2 供选择 。选址题并不难写,主要注意两点:1、位置描述,2、优缺点 。