英语论文题目怎么写( 四 )

2、英文题目、摘要、关键词自成一页(1页即可) , 放在中文摘要页之后 。3、英文字体与行间距: 统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,1.5倍行间距 。
4、英文题目: 使用三号字加粗 。5、英文摘要: “Absract”顶格 , 使用四号字 , 并加粗 。
英文摘要具体内容使用四号字 。6、英文关键词: “Key Words”顶格 , 使用四号字并加粗 。
每个关键词使用四号字参考资料:百度百科-英语论文 。
5. 写一篇英语论文题目是:My understanding of Journalistic English My Understanding of Journalistic English As we know, the world is much smaller than before in our mind. We can learn those which happened in the other side of the world through news from newspaper, television, radio and other mediums. And reading journalistic English is becoming a part of our lives. To me, journalistic English is much different from daily English. We can talk about it starting form the definition of news. In our news academia, the most authoritative definition of news is proposed by Lu Dingyi in1943. He said," The definition of news is the report of the most recent factual report." So journalistic English must be objective and authentic. Journalists mustn't bring in their own emotions in the news they wrote. It is an important part of journalistic English. Especially to deserve to be mentioned, the content of the front page must be a big news which is the biggest news of the column. And the headline must be striking, compact and to the point. It must be easy to catch the eye of the readers or the listeners. And it must be easy for the readers or the listeners to seize the key point of the news. It must be easy to understang too. It may make them have the interesting to read or listen more. How about the body of the news story? We can know much from the definition of news. It should be objective and authentic. And Journalists shouldn't bring in their own emotions while they write it. There are many new words we can find in news. How to understand them? In my opinion, we can learn from the text. Every word has its fit circumstance. We can understand the word in it. Next, let us talk something about the feature story. It is a especial part of news. Usually, its content is about a hot topic or some especial news. It is attractive to a kind of people but not the other people. This kind of people, I mean, are interested in the hot topic or something of that kind. There may be some viewpoints of the author. In a word, journalistic English is something special, and it is difficult to drive. It is a subject which we should spend much energe on. And it need a lot of time too. If you get a turely understanding of it, you will find that it is a kind of art. You will get much fun from it. It is fascinating!32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333262383634 。
6. 关于英语毕业论文如何选题 很多学生在撰写英语毕业论文时 , 会因选题不当而引发烦恼 , 有的是选题方向过于大众化 , 写出的论文没有个性 , 难以吸引读者的阅读兴趣;有的是选题过难 , 动笔后陷入中途写不下去的境地;有的是选题过偏 , 难以收集文章所需的资料 , 研究不出什么结果 , 诸如此类的问题 , 都将直接影响毕业论文的质量和撰写的效益 。那么英语毕业论文如何才能选好题呢?对此 , 笔者结合自己的教学实践提出了一些建议和意见 。
一、选题要新颖 , 避免“人云亦云”
文贵出新 。清代著名戏剧家李渔说:“人惟求旧 , 物惟求新;新也者 , 天下事物之美称也 。而文章一道 , 较之他物 , 尤加倍焉 。”论文最忌随人之后 , 人云亦云 。只有言他人所未言 , 补他人所不足 , 领他人之所先 , 才可能写出优秀的论文 。因此 , 选题时要尽量避免“大众化”、“一般化” , 力求新颖 。一是观念要新 。要把握时代脉搏 , 善于捕捉社会热点、难点问题 , 从大众普遍关心的事物入手 , 选择一些有现实针对性的题目 。如:A Research on China's DINK , 即夫妻双方都有较高的文化素质和经济收入 , 但却不想生育孩子的“丁克”现象 , 这是当今中国初露端倪的一个社会现象 , 这样的选题就容易引起读者的兴趣 , 也容易得到阅卷老师的认同 。二是信息要前沿 。要关注本学科的信息 , 使所选的题目具有理论价值或实践意义 。例如语言学专业的 , 可选科学技术对英语词汇的影响等做论题 , 因为随着科学技术的日新月异及其渗透性的不断增强 , 它对语言文化的影响已越来越明显 , 具有一定的实践意义 。三是角度要新 。“一树梅花万首诗” 。同一件事物 , 不同的人有不同的看法;同一写作对象 , 角度不同 , 写法各异 , 表达效果截然不同 。要想使自己的论文给人以耳目一新的感觉 , 选题时 , 就必须多角度去构思;对过去相关著作进行了解 , 从而 , 从人们司空见惯的事物中 , 见人之所未见 , 独辟蹊径 。如“蚕” , 通常颂扬其“春蚕到死丝方尽”的奉献精神 , 也可以从反面立意 , 写其“作茧自缚” , 自我束缚的一面 。只有这样 , 才能使写出的论文凸现个性 , 给人以新知感 。