好伤心英文怎么写( 二 )

哀痛,哀悼 (after, for):They sorrowed for his death at his grave.他们在他的墓前为他哀悼 。vt.为…悲痛(或悲叹等):为…悲痛(或悲叹等):to sorrow his young life为其英年早逝而悲痛近义词:grief . sadness . woe反义词:happiness . joy短语:drown one's sorrows 借酒浇愁Sorrow comes unsent for. [谚语]悲戚不请自来 。
sorrow will pay no debt 忧愁代替不了债务sup sorrow 感到悲伤(或悔恨) 。
5. 表达伤心的英文单词有哪些 表达伤心的英文单词:grief; grieved; (心里痛苦)百 sad; heart-broken; broken-hearted; [例句]她听到那坏消度息伤心的不得了 。
She took on terribly when she heard the news.看到自己的孩子被版判刑真叫人伤心 。It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced. 你的文章使权我想起了伤心的往事 。
Your article brought back sad memories for me 。

