noble proud
3. 纵横的英文怎么写 纵横=na.1. (奔放自如)with great ease; freely ;例子:Discussing freely on fieldbus technology and its control system 。
现场总线技术及其控制系统纵横谈 。2. (竖和横) in length and breadth (长和宽); vertically and horizontally (水平和垂直);例子:A poetic writing about the youth years——A vertically and horizontally investigation on the romanticism of novels about educated youth 。
青春岁月的诗性书写——知青小说浪漫主义的纵横考察 。有用请采纳 。
4. 英文翻译几句话 楼上机器翻译的吧,好多语法错误 。
我认为最能形容上海的颜色,是红色I think that it is the color red that can best describe Shanghai红色象征着活力 热情 奋斗和奔放Red is the symbol of vigor, enthusiasm, hardwork and openess.就像上海这个城市一样,现代化,国际化 。Just like the city--- Shanghai, modern and international.人们忙碌于自己的生活,虽然少了一份安逸的静谧,People are just busy bringing home the bread, though lack the tranquility and peace of mind.但是蓬勃向上的朝气时刻提醒着人们,However, the energetic and vibrant ambience here always reminds people of the fact that这就是上海,this is Shanghai活力 热情 奋斗和奔放的上海,the vigorous,enthusiastic, striving and open Shanghai 。
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