油用英语怎么写( 二 )

7.Doit!(在最后一刻,加油,你一定行 。)8.Goforit!(加油,奋力直前 。)
9.Playup!(加油)10.Putmorepowderintoit!(加油!加把劲!)那么,我们一起来看看如下情景中,加油的运用吧!1.看比赛时的“加油”怎么说?这个简单相比大家小时候就学过的,“ComeonChina!”,“ComeonEngland”就可以了 。2.如果看球连续喊“加油”,表达振奋人心的感觉 。
连续喊着“ComeonChina!ComeonC 。
4. 运动会油搞用英语怎么写 youthful footsteps of youthful speed, youthful vitality, and the enthusiasm of young people will be in your possession fully embody. Meet themselves and to challenge themselves and overcome self-! We believe that you surely can do, refueling bar, athletes! In the immediate end! 。

