日记的英语作文怎么写( 三 )

一路的风景很美 。我也很开心 。
妈妈告诉我 , 还有一天就可以到桂林了 。我们买了很多东西 , 很重 。
所以我帮妈妈提了几个袋子 。妈妈说我长大了 , 我很开心的微笑 。
Now I am on the train to Guilin. The views are beautiful and I feel happy. Mother told me there is only one day to go to arrive in Guilin. We bought a lot of stuffs and they are heavy. So I took some bags from mother. She said I am growing up and I smiled happily.第八篇:今天终于到了桂林 , 我们吃过早饭后就出发去漓江 。坐上了船后 , 我们听着导游的讲解 , 观赏着风景 。
【日记的英语作文怎么写】可是我发现漓江的水很脏 , 有很多人在那里洗衣服 。我很气愤 。
在接下来的旅途中很无聊我也很疲惫 。Finally, we arrived in Guilin. After breakfast, we went to River Li. We listened to the guide and enjoyed the views on boat. But I found the water in River Li is dirty, many people washed clothes there. I feel angry and the trip became boring and exhausting.第九篇:今天和最好的朋友一起出去玩 。
我们来到公园后 , 却下起了好大的雨 。我们无处可躲 。
在雨中奔跑着 。可是我们却很高兴 。
因为有彼此的安慰 。过了一会 , 雨停了 。
我陪着她回家 。然后在她家玩了一会 , 他留我在那里吃饭 。
可我拒绝了 , 因为有些不好意思 。今天我很快乐 , 马上就开学了 , 真想快点见到同学们 。
Today, I went out with my best friend. When we arrived at the park, it rained. We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The rain stopped later and I accompanied her go home. We played in her home。
7. 英语作文〔日记〕 On the school sport meet today, i participated in the men's 5000m race. I had a good chance of winning the race. I was in second place, and Wang Ping was in first place.When I was waiting for a chance to overrun him, Wang Ping fell down. I stopped and waited with him till the paramedic people came. As a result, i lost the race, but i don't feel sad about it because i did the right thing. I just hope he's alright now. When he gets better, we are going to race again, and i'm going to beat him then 。
8. 求10篇英语日记和5篇英语作文 日记:1.July 5th Monday cloudyToday I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it's a good place. There has some nice view like chang jiang river. I came there in two days ago. Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message didn't here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.7月5号 星期一 多云今天我从一个名叫“合川”的地方回来 , 这是一个好地方 。
有一些美丽的河流 , 就像长江河流 。我是在两天前到那里的 。
因为我的姨妈在这个地方 。我们玩的很开心 。
但我也写了我的假期英语日记 。因为计算机出错了 , 这条消息没有在这里 。
我希望自己明天能生活得更美好 。2.July 6th Tuesday cloudyAh ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to do, I must write words English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, then …… .Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, now I'm writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!7月6号 星期二 多云哈哈 , 当我起床的时候 , 刚好到了午餐时间 。
但我真的有很多工作要做 , 我必须写单词 , 然后学习"李阳疯狂英语" , 然后……哦 , 我的上帝 , 如果我要一直做到下午 , 我真的快死了 。因此我在写单词 , 写我的英文日记 。