溜溜球英文怎么写( 二 )

3. 悠悠球的英文介绍 The yo-yo is a popular toy consisting of a length of string tied at one end to a flat spool. It is played by holding the free end of the string (usually by inserting one finger in a slip knot) and pulling at it so as to cause the spool to turn whilst suspended in mid-air, either taking up or releasing the string. First made popular in the 1920s, yo-yoing is still very much enjoyed by both children and adults, though it was originally made as a children's toy.
In the simplest play, the string is initially wound on the spool by hand; the yo-yo is then thrown downwards so that it first descends unwinding the string, then (by inertia) climbs back winding it up; and finally the yo-yo is grabbed, ready to be thrown again. Many other trick plays exist, most based on the basic sleeper trick
4. 悠悠球的英文资料 1A:Single A , 单手绳上花式 , 因为流传的时间比较长久 , 所以玩的人也很多 , 也是比较容易学会的组别 。
2A:Double A , 双手回旋花式(loop) , 最具观赏性的组别 , 也是最难练习的组别 , 要想成为高手必须刻苦练习!3A:Tripie A , 双手线上花式 , 国际上最少人玩的组别 , 即两只手玩1A花式 , 两只手都要有良好的基本功 , 并结合1A和2A的基础 。此组别是非常难的一个花式 。
4A:Offstring , 简称OS , 离绳花式 , 类似中国的空竹 , 在球离绳后在绳上做花式 , 然后回收 。5A:Counterweight , 离手花式 。
创始人SteveBrown , 发明了Freehand这枚球 , 并在绳子的另一头拴上一个重量成比例的重物 , 让球绳能从手上脱离 , 做出各种花式 。soloham:双球玩4A可以根据自己的爱好来选定自己的组别 , 一个人可以选很多种 。
【溜溜球英文怎么写】如果你选好了组别 , 一定要多多练习 。