外国的拼音怎么写( 二 )

房号- 住宅区号-住宅区名-街名,市名,省名,国家 然后换行写邮编
如果是在国内的话写中文就好了 。
最后, 胜天针织 可以翻译成
ShengTian Knitting, 或 ShengTian Textile
同上,因为不知道楼主的"胜天"又没有取英文名, 故以拼音代替.
4. 在外国长大,不会写汉字,只会拼音和记字,如何学写汉字 太好了!不用练汉字,会电脑就行了 。这正是未来汉字的方向!
【外国的拼音怎么写】知道吗:汉字只有一个优点,就是世界上阅读速度最快的文字 。如果你想读个故事啦,做点研究又不需要牢记原文啦,汉字最有用 。但是有一个前提,就是阅读达到一定水平 。
Your current status is the future of Chinese, which is, to be able to type on a computer only without being able to write the script. According to:
Sacks, D. (2003). Letter Perfect: the A-to-Z History of Our Alphabet. Toronto, ON: Vintage Canada.
Today Chinese schoolchildren normally take three years longer than Western children to learn to read and write, with most of that extra time devoted to mastering the symbols. p. 5.
You do not need, of course, if you like, do it, to learn to write the scripts.
Good luck.

