很可爱的英文怎么写( 二 )

2. Honey 宝贝
例句:Hi Honey! How was your day?
3. Darling 宝贝,亲爱的
例句:Darling I'm so glad you're home. Just go relax and I'll start making dinner. Okay Honey?
4. sweetie 宝贝
例句:Oh sweetie, I had such a long day. I'm just happy to be home with my sweetie.
5. 可爱的英文单词怎么写 cute ; lovely ; likable ; adorable ; endearing例句:1.那只可爱的 。
The lovely one.2.我喜欢那只可爱的娃娃 。I like that lovely doll.3.我们把自己的诗都印在了这本可爱的书上 。
We printed all of our poems in this lovely book.4.德斯:如果你喜欢这样形容,他榨取你获得所有这些艺术灵感,然后在从你这里创造了这么可爱的作品之后离去,你是否有些怨恨这个事实?Saunders: Do you at all resent the fact that he, if you like, milked you for all the artistic inspiration and then moved on, having created this lovely thing from you?5.首先,我们要去狮子园,然后我们去猴山,在那里你们能看到可爱的猴子 。Then we will go to the Monkey Hill. You can see the lovely monkeys there.在这个帖子里,我们会一步一步地告诉你如何做一枚可爱的花朵戒指 。
In this post, we will show you how to make a lovely flower ring step by step6.这座海港城市有可爱的地中海景观 。The port town has lovely views of the Mediterranean.7.看看那些可爱的山峰拔!But do see that lovely mountain8.我再也看不见月亮或者是我家房子外面那些可爱的森林了 。
I can't see the moon or the lovely woods outside my house anymore.9.他是一个可爱的男孩,但是却失去了家人 。He is a lovely boy but he has no family.10.那里列出有很多可爱的动物,但是它们都需要有一个自己的家 。
There are so many adorable animals out there, but they all need a home11.我可爱的孩子,记住一件事:爱你所选择;选择你所爱!My lovely child, remember one thing:Love what you choose; and choose what you love!12.过了几年,公主长大成为了一个可爱的女孩 。Over the years, the Princess grew into a lovely girl.13.现在在我停止广播交流去陪我可爱的妻子出去吃早餐之前,告诉你最后一件事——今天早晨,我从容器里取出了我最后一个弹珠 。
Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container.14.我喜欢不速之客,不过当然得是可爱的才行 。I love intruders,but they must be lovable ones,of course.15.那可爱的女子便是我的妻子 。
That lovely lady was my wife.16.不管什么时候你听到了如果,那么,和,或者,不,如果和只有当,这些逻辑词的时候,所有,是,很可爱的逻辑词,你这周要很敏感,因为我想听到你们 。Whenever you hear the word If, then, and, or, not, If and only if, all these logical words, all, is, lovely logical words, you've got to be sensitized this week because I want to hear you.17.如果你像我一样用智能手机,你永远不会看见那些可怜、悲剧或者可爱的陌生人了 。
If you use a smart phone like I do, you never see the pitiable stranger, the tragic stranger, or the lovable stranger.18.信不信由你,牛,这种可爱的动物并不仅仅用于食用 。Believe it or not, this adorable animal is not only food.19.从窗口俯视,可以看见一个可爱的湖 。
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake20.狮子座:害怕有人在你床边来回晃悠,也担心床头可能伤到你可爱的“鬃毛” 。Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane.21.这个可爱的男人岂能知道他的儿子会怎么看我呢?How could this lovely man know what his son would think of me?22.专家教你如何与别人亲切交谈-特别是与坐在你对面很可爱的那位 。