porcel精品推荐-民国花鸟罐( 二 )
【 porcel精品推荐-民国花鸟罐】粉彩也叫“软彩”,一种线条纤秀、画面工整、色彩柔和、形象逼真的传统陶瓷釉上彩装饰。所谓釉上彩,就是在烧好的素器釉面上进行彩绘,再入窑经600摄氏度至900度烘烤而成,是一种釉上彩绘经低温烧成的彩绘方法。粉彩瓷又叫软彩瓷,景德镇窑四大传统名瓷之一,是以粉彩为主要装饰手法的瓷器品种。
Pink color is also called "soft color", a kind of traditional ceramic glaze color decoration with delicate lines, neat picture, soft color, and realistic image. The so-called glaze color, is on the cooked vegetarian glaze for painting, and then into the kiln by 600 degrees Celsius to 900 degrees of baking, is a kind of glaze color painting by low temperature burning of the painting method. Pink porcelain, also known as soft color porcelain, one of the four traditional famous porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln, is a porcelain variety with chalk as the main decorative technique.
Pink porcelain in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was very suitable for the taste of the public collectors. It is not difficult to see that this pink flower and bird tank painter in the late Qing Dynasty is a well-made work. Can feel the pink low-key and charming unique charm, very collection value. In recent years, the pink porcelain in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China has become more and more popular with collectors.
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