健康指导的对话怎么写( 二 )

3. 倡导健康生活方式的小贴士怎么写 健康的生活方式从合理饮食、科学合理的体育锻炼 , 从良好的作息做起 。
一日三餐 , 早吃好 , 午吃饱 , 晚吃少 。营养搭配合理 , 果蔬五谷杂粮和肉蛋奶合理搭配 。
运动让生活充满活力 。运动让你身体充满活力 , 让你的头脑更加清晰 。活到老 , 锻炼到老 。
合理安排作息时间 。不熬夜 , 不过度加班儿影响睡眠 。早睡早起 , 休息好了才有更多的精力工作 。一切的一切只为健康的生活 。也许没有万贯财富 , 也没有更好的物质 , 健康的身体足以让你为傲 。
声明 , 以上文字原创 。
4. 怎样保持健康的英语情景对话 我从Arnold Lobel的小故事"Cookies"找到灵感 , 写下这段对话.感觉挺有意义的. Will power意志力 Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates Scene----in the college dorm Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mike came back from a morning jogging. M: hi, Dan, what are u doing? D: I am playing war craft. M: Where is Tommy? D: Shiiiii! M:What? What's the matter? D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping. M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It's almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class? D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft. M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up! T:five more minutes, please. Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up. T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.) M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners. D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u. M: That's more like it. We need will power. D and T: what is will power? M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do. D: You mean like trying not to play war craft? Mike: right. T: you mean like trying not to stay up late? M: right. Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment. Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work? Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts. Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!! Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you. 。
5. 写一段关于健康生活习惯的英语对话 People are paying more and more attentions to healthy diet , so nutrition(营养学) is growing an important science . Do you have any nutrition knowledge ? How much do you know about good nutrition ? Let's have a test by judging true or false on the following points.1. People who don't eat meat can stay healthy .True . As long as people eat enough milk , eggs and meat alternates(替代品)  , they can get enough protein .2. Food eaten between meals can be just as good for health as food eaten at regular meals.Ture . Nutritional value depends on what types of food you eat , not when you eat them . Eating an egg or fruit between meals can contribute to a good diet .3. Fresh vegetables are always more nutritious than canned vegetables .False . The difference depends more on how vegetables are prepared than whether they are fresh or canned . Vegetables cooked in too much water can lost a great amount of vitamins .4. Natural vitamins are better than synthetic(合成的) vitamins .False . There is no difference . A vitamin has the same propetives(性质) and specific chemical structure whether made in a laboratory or taken from plant or animals parts .5. Older people need the same amount of vitamins as younger people .True . Although older people need fewer calories(卡路里) . Certain illnesses raise the requirements for some vitamin , but that is true for the young as well as the old .6. Food grown in poor soil is lower in vitamins than food grown in rich soil .False . The vitamin in our foods a re made by the plants themselves . They don't come from the soil . However , the minerals in a plant depend on the minerals in the soil .If you have answered these questions correctly , you can say you know much about food and nutrition by today's standards . But remember that it may change as new information develops .