传承的拼音怎么写( 二 )

毛泽东《农业合作化的一场辩论和当前的阶级斗争》:“我们的目的就是要使资本主义绝种,要使它……变成历史的东西 。”
《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三回:“这便是野鸡道台的历史了 。”
金一《文学观》:“从古帝王之业,真能赤手开创而无所凭藉者,历史上,多不过三四人 。”
4. 花儿与少年的拼音怎么写 花:hua,读一声;
年:nian,读二声 。
花儿与少年的拼音是:huā ér yǔ shǎo nián 。
(1)读音:huā ér
(2)释义:流行于 青海 、宁夏 、甘肃 一带的一种民间歌曲 。是当地 汉 、回 、土 、撒拉 、东乡 、保安 等族的口头文学形式之一 。在 青海 又称“少年”,对其中的词称“花儿”,演唱称“漫少年” 。
1.这些花儿给他以很大生趣 。
2.纤细的花梗被花儿压弯了 。
3.露水降下来,花儿敛上了 。
4.正是夏季花儿盛开的季节 。
(1)读音:shào nián
①(名)人十岁左右到十五六岁的阶段 。~时代 。(作定语)
②(名)指上述年龄的人 。
1.他长成了一个翩翩少年 。
2.他少年时候放荡后来老实了 。
3.这个少年被敌人惨杀了 。
4.她的闲话专栏着眼于青少年 。
5. 传承的意思是什么 【拼音】chuán chénɡ 【释义】更替继承 。
【出处】郭沫若 《孔墨的批判·墨子的思想体系》:“ 尧 舜 禅让虽是传说,但也有确实的影响,那就是原始公社时的族长传承的反映 。” 【英语】 传承: 1. Smriti 2. lineage Customs that come down from colonial times. 从殖民时代传承下来的惯例 descended from a common ancestor but through different lines. 由一个共同的先祖通过不同的途径传承下来的 。
Should this trend be allowed to continue, one can hardly imagine that the Chinese culture can still be passed down. 如果继续这么下去,真不敢想象中华文化以后要如何传承 。(of societies) being ruled by or having descent traced through the male line. (关于社会的)由男性统治的或者通过父系血统传承的 。
of societies or families; being female dominated or having descent traced through the female line. 关于社会或家族的;由女性统治的或者具有通过母系血统传承的 。According to the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism and historical traditions, after a Living Buddha passes away his position should be inherited by his incarnation through traditional methods. 根据藏传佛教的仪式和历史惯例,活佛去世后按传统的办法转世传承 。
The state holds in great esteem the system of reincarnation of Living Buddhas, which is characteristic of Tibetan Buddhism and an important succession method of the leadership of Tibetan Buddhism, and has profound respect for the religious practices and historical conventions of Tibet's main religion. 国家尊重活佛转世这一藏传佛教的信仰特点和传承方式,尊重藏传佛教的宗教仪轨和历史定制 。But he devotes most of his comments on the father to son letters which he sees as the transmission of cultural values in which the relationship between family members, extended family and friends are strenuously upheld. 但他对父亲写给儿子的信给予最多评语,认为它们是文化价值观的传承,极力强调家庭成员、亲戚朋友之间的感情 。
The young can acquire values that shape their aspirations, their thinking and mentality and their spirituality. It is a good way to promote national unity, create a sense of cultural identity, as well as ensure that the cultural heritage is being preserved. The effects are not immediately obvious, but they are deep and wide. 而对孩子心理、思维、性灵、志趣直至种族的认同、文化的传承、国家的凝聚力等等的影响,更是潜移默化,至巨至深 。For Singapore, even if it chooses to put aside the burden of shouldering 5000 years of China's cultural tradition, merely from the economic viewpoint, the Chinese language is clearly a prerequisite for trade with China. 对新加坡来讲,即使抛开华族五千年文化的传承这个也许太沉重的包袱,仅从经济上讲,华文必然地成为对华贸易的最基本要素之一 。