"1,2,3,4" Password pierced the quiet sounds of the sky, the impact of our young hearts.
Through the training days of joy and laughter hide bitter exertion. It is like the beauty of music, let us intention to be singing and experience.
5. 有关军训的英语作文(80字左右)急 自从开始军训,所做的每一件事,都让我们知道我们不是被疼爱的小公主、小皇帝,以后只有靠自己,不可再有任何的依赖 。
军训,或许就是考验一个人吧,考验他的独立性、自觉性,还有吃苦耐劳的精神 。如果真是那样,我一定要完成教官说的每一个动作,做个真正的独立、自觉、能够吃苦耐劳的人 。“ 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 。”为了自己美好前途,吃这么一点苦又算得了什么呢?我一定要拿自己的行动来证实自己,证实自己不平凡,绝对不会输给任何人 。我是最棒的,我对自己充满信心,永远永远都会 。
鸦雀无声的球场上同学们整齐的站着,组成了十几个方阵,这是校园里一道靓丽的风景,球场上太阳照得茂密的大树垂头丧气, 太阳光无情的将矛头直指我们,那汹汹的来势又岂是薄薄的云盾可以阻挡的?同学们已是汗流浃背,看着同学们那湿透的衣服,都可以拧出水来.
七天的军训生活虽然短暂,但我们仍然受益匪浅 。当我们站在军训营地上训练时,我才真正体会到什么是严 。寒风不留情地迎面扑来,我们不能喊冷,更不能动一动,就这样凭着顽强的毅力,默默坚持着,"好的开头是成功的一半"但要获得成功,其实还要好好地坚持到底 。坚持意味着忍耐,最终,我们还是坚持到底了,也笑到了最后 。因为我们有信心,有实力,所以优秀的成绩便是给我的最好回报 。
7天的军训,在脑子里刻上了辛苦2字,在皮肤上涂上黑色的颜料,在心理上赠予毅力的奖品 。
苦,这才叫苦,而我们顶着好象很火辣的太阳,吹着好象不是风的微风,喊着好象很苦的苦,我们这群历经考场的学生还不知道什么叫真正的生活 。
七天的军训,我们付出了辛苦,付出了汗水 。然而得到的却是一份沉甸甸的收获 。我们学会了坚韧不拔,学会了服从命令 。军训,就是要培养我们的品质,磨砺我们的意志 。经历了军训,我们获益匪浅 。
6. 军训英语作文 Military training diary for 5 days
1, today's military training, let me greatly changed the view on military training, because I know what is the real soldiers. And the real military training, we are bitter and tired is not worth mentioning.
Although the sky morning, under a drizzle, but we practiced army posture. I still with high morale, assumed a military posture, instructor directs each movement, I both quantity and quality to complete. At this moment, I have not only on behalf of my own, I should be integrated into the whole class, because my every act and every move affects the whole class honor. Military training is difficult, but persistence is victory! Thought of here, my faith more firm. Military training, let me deeply understand the meaning of two words" perseverance". Military training, also let me to experience the discipline in an army is so important.
The instructor and teacher 's leadership, the way we be in fine fig, have an imposing appearance. Leg foot pain and could not stop the pace of our advance. Bear, I use a soldier to measure their imagination, they will be so strong, Qiu Shaoyun is able to endure a raging fire, this is difficult what am I afraid of?
The devil is in the details, military training so I corrected many habits the details of the error, at the same time I in all aspects of the quality of obtained the sublimation.
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