怎么写英语作业检讨200( 六 )

今天正值中秋佳节 , 当众人品尝月饼、欣赏月色、享受这良辰美景时 , 又有谁知道我正在奋笔疾书、涕泪满襟的写着检讨 。通过这件事 , 我深刻的认识到了作业要及时完成的必要性;不及时完成作业后果的严重性;在同学面前君子风度的贬低性;被写检讨和被家长批评对身心的伤害性等等 。
基于以上几点性质 , 我决定以后每天老师布置的作业 , 无论语、数、英我都要毅然决然地完成 , 要无怨无悔地欣然接受老师布置的每一项任务 。XXX年月日Dear teacher:Last week, the teacher assigned a 13 - page assignment in the activity manual. although the topic is simple, the amount of questions is small and time is sufficient, I didn't pay attention to it. I spilled my passion on math and Chinese assignments, and didn't pay attention to English assignments or notice the seriousness of the consequences of not completing them. It was not until today's English class that I repented when the teacher asked me to check my homework, and I hated why I didn't understand my sense of honor and finish my homework in time. But it was too late. when the teacher saw that half of the class did not finish their homework, he was furious and righteously assigned us the punishment of reviewing an article and copying lesson 5 for those who did not finish their homework. Today is the Mid-Autumn festival. when people are tasting moon cakes, enjoying the moonlight and enjoying the beautiful scenery, who knows that I am busy writing and writing reviews full of tears. Through this matter, I deeply realized the necessity of finishing my homework in time. The seriousness of the consequences of not completing the operation in time; Demeaning demeanor of a gentleman in front of classmates; Being written for review and being criticized by parents for being harmful to body and mind, etc. Based on the above characteristics, I decided that I should resolutely finish the assignments assigned by the teachers every day in the future, no matter in words, numbers or English, and should readily accept every assignment assigned by the teachers without complaint or regret. 。

