明天会更好的英文怎么写( 二 )

Tomorrow would be better.
这句话用would不用will,是虚拟语气,这句话是说话人的主观的希望,因为你无法确定是否明天会更好 。所以用虚拟语气更恰当 。
hope是一个可以实现的目标 。如:I hope you can come tomorrow.(明天来了,目的就达到了)
wish不一定一定可以达到目标,是一种主观的希望,如:I wish you happy everyday.(天天开心基本不可能对吧?)
5.明天会更好的英文歌词TomorrowWhen you wake up in the morning When you haven't started to think There is a whole brand new day Open wide and waiting for you I know in life's sorrow you're on the verge of drowning ay your tears flee with yesterday blow away with the wind When you wake up in the morning When you haven't started to think The world is out there calling open eyes to new beginning A newborn sun is shinning Chasing shadows from your mind Everything will be alive,under the sunshine's smile Come out from your corner No doubt in join us You can decide the future Devote your youthful power to this world Come together, hand in hand together I know you'll do We pray and believe that tomorrow will be better. No, I don't know what your name is But you're so familiar to me Cause we belong to one family You can hear my heart calling Life can be music,rainbows can be reached If you face yourself truly keep striving for your dream Come out from your corner No doubt in join us You can decide the future Devote your youthful power to this world Come together, hand in hand together I know you'll do We pray and believe that tomorrow will be better. When you wake up in the morning When you haven't started to think There is a whole brand new day Open wide and waiting for you I know in life's sorrow you're on the verge of drowning May your tears flee with yesterday Blow away with the wind Come out from your corner No doubt in join us You can decide the future Devote your youthful power to this world Come together, hand in hand together I know you'll do We pray and believe that tomorrow will be better. will be better 。

