喝醉英文怎么写( 二 )

1、This minor revolt of 500 farmers in Pennsylvania against a federal liquor tax had been one of the first tests for the new national government.
由大约500名抗议联邦课征酒税的宾夕法尼亚州农民发起的小规模抗争是新的全国政府经受的最初考验之一 。
2、Ripples of light green liquor soon began to emerge from the thin, feathery leaf.
随即那纤薄柔软的叶子的旁边便冒出了绿色液体的波纹 。
3、Any type of alcohol helps, but some research suggests that wine protects the heart better than beer and liquor.
任何种类的酒对心脏都有益处,但是,有些研究认为果酒保护心脏的功能超过啤酒与烈性酒 。

