毕业于大学英语怎么写( 二 )

毕业后我几乎没有看见过他 。
After graduation, he lives on his own.
毕业后他就独立生活了 。
He worked as a magistrate after graduation.
他毕业后任地方行政长官 。
John was asked to deliver a speech on the graduation.
约翰被邀请在毕业典礼上发表演讲 。
The graduation is marked on the side of the flask.
烧瓶侧面有刻度标志 。
Grades the indoor hypogene water fast to distribute whether to have the material effect evenly to the graduation effect.
分级室内上升水速分布是否均匀对分级效果有重要影响 。

