风趣的英文怎么写( 二 )

2、如果有幸进入贵校,我将以100%的热投入如学习 。
If I can be enrolled to be one of the members in your school, I will devote to study with 100% passion.
3、我是一名团员 。
I am a Member of the Communist Youth League.
5.同学们都说我是一个风趣的人英文怎么说1、同学们都说我是一个风趣的人 My classmates said that I was a humorous person.2、如果有幸进入贵校,我将以100%的热投入如学习 。
If I can be enrolled to be one of the members in your school, I will devote to study with 100% passion.3、我是一名团员 。I am a Member of the Communist Youth League 。

