一般过去时英语怎么写( 三 )

代表词: yesterday、the day before today、last Monday等表示时间的 。或像past、before、ago等等介词 。
6.求一篇用一般过去时写的英语作文After the Yushu earthquake ,our school held an Earthquake Safety Education Week . There were a lot of meaningful activities during the week.On Mondey ,the whole school met in the playground and mourned for the dead in the quake .On Wednesday ,an expert was invited to give a lecture on how to escape from an earthquake .And on weekends,students came to the streets to raise money for Yushu.The Earthquake Safety Education Week was a big success.We have learnt how to protect ourselves in an earthquake and help others in trouble.Many students said they would do more things to help Yushu's people rebuild their homes.
具体不知道你需要哪一类的,反正是按要求打了一篇 。
I wish you can choose mine.Thank you~ 、
【一般过去时英语怎么写】你看不懂还是什么的,要中文,我写一遍还要给你翻译一遍?这又不是网上复制的 。真是的
7.用一般过去时态翻译英语作文Yesterday was Beach clean-up Day.Our class took part in the activity. The clean-up started at 9:30 and finished at noon.
We met at beach at 9:00a.m.We had lunch in a restaurant near the beach after work.Then we sorted the garbage,and put them into the dustbin.After we finished the work, we put the "protecting the environment" ball into the beach . Then we had lunch at the restaurant . We left the beach and said goodbye to the workers . Though we all very tird ,we knew the importance of protecting the environment.

