感激的英文怎么写( 三 )

例句:To be grateful for what I receive.
为我得到东西而感谢你 。
3、thank for
英 [θ??ks f??(r)] 美 [θ??ks f??r]
例句:We will one day thank God for the fire, though we may not like it now.
我们此刻可能不喜欢受苦,但终有一天,却会为受炼净而感谢神 。
4、appreciate for
英 [??pri??ie?t f??(r) , f?(r)] 美 [??pri??ie?t f??r , f?r]
例句:I really and sincerely appreciate for your help.
我真的衷心感谢您的帮助 。
5、be grateful to
be grateful to
英 [bi ?ɡre?tfl tu] 美 [bi ?ɡre?tfl tu]
例句:Our nation is grateful to the brave men and women who are taking risks on our behalf at this hour.
我们的国家对此时此刻正在为我们而冒生命危险的英勇男女志士表示感谢 。

