论文关键词英文怎么写( 二 )

4.毕业论文的关键词不知如何翻译成英文你这几个词都很难准确的翻译成英语的,最好的办法就是向楼上说的换词 。
含蓄蕴藉 Implicit Reserved and refined
清雅俊逸 Simple and elegant Of outstanding ability
开阖跌宕 Opening and closing Unconstrained
我把每个词查了查字典,字典中是这么说的,然后我把这些词连起来的,大概是这样说吧!我也不确定,你还是去问问老师比较好 。
5.论文摘要和关键词翻译成英文Aspect affecting the social life each all round in Chinese feudalist society , politics. As ancient one kind of up official document, the memorial to the throne is that directness that politics affects in the region of literature reports. The bright head assists Zhang Ju Zheng for government official several tens years , aspiration of being thinking of the intense classics world, writes down large amount of memorial to the throne. The person is rich in content , relate to feudalism govern every aspect, the society who presses close to that time mostly is real, have distinct pertinency and operatability. They now that important history material , reaction politics that time face, are a costful official document version at the same time , we can take advantage of the art accomplishment grasping the Zhang Ju Zheng official document here preparing times contribution.

