乐队的英语怎么写( 二 )

To my disappointment, Nicky get hitched. His wife is the daughter of the Irish prime minister. Whatever, if he didn't marry her, he would marry another gorgeous girl.
Both the melodies and the lyrics are nice. I like to listen to their songs when I felt lonely or before I slept. The songs are peaceful and they made me comfortable and peaceful too.
Of course I also like other kinds of music,l ike hip hop, rap, R&B, rock, jazz and so on. Music is a wonderful thing for people.
5.请写一篇以“我最喜欢的乐队”为题的英语作文Christmas is coming!! I really look forwrd to it! I have exchanged my first Christmas present and I got a M&M's Monopoly!! I love it so much as I couldn't get it in Hong Kong. Thanks so much for tiger's effort to get it from USA! I'm happy that tiger likes the presents I bought too!! After exchanging presents, we went to see movie---King Kong. It's a movie which lasts for 3 hours but it was so exciting that I didn't feel sleepy at all!! We had a very good time!! In the coming Christmas time, I'll have some christmas parties with my friends and family and go camping as well. I really hope that Christmas will come quick! He He 。
On 24th, it's my best friend's graduation ceremony from the police trainning school. So, I'll go there to take some photos for her. I specially took a day off for that day because the ceremony starts in the morning. I should wake up very early that day 。.help~~~~~~~Anyway, I'm so proud of her!! I hope she'll go well in the future!! I hope that every one will have a wonderful christmas!! 。
6.架子鼓的英语怎么写架子鼓其实是由Jazz Durms(爵士鼓)音译过来的啦 所以呢 英文就是Jazz Durms 爵士鼓 又名架子鼓 因为英文的JAZZ听起来像中文里的“架子”,故而有了架子鼓一说 。一般的架子鼓标准配置中 又分低音大鼓 Bass Drum,又称“底鼓”或“地鼓” 军鼓 桶鼓(或“通鼓”)英文是TOM-TOM 一个军鼓 一块强音镲(关于这个不同的地方有不同的叫法如“碎音镲”等等)英文是Crash Cymbal 一块节奏镲(或“叮叮镲”,“码音镲”等)英文是 Ride Cymbal和2块踩镲(HI-HAT) 关于架子鼓的英文就这些了 。。呼``打得累死了~~~希望帮得到LZ~~~
(Drum) 架子鼓是爵士乐队中十分重要的一种无音高打击乐器,它通常由一个脚踏的低音大鼓(Bass Drum,又称“底鼓”)、一个军鼓、二个以上嗵嗵鼓(Tom-Tom Drum)、一个或两个吊镲(Ride Cymbal)和一个带踏板的踩镲(Hi-Hat)等部分组成 。鼓手用鼓锤击打各部件使其发声 。爵士乐中常用的鼓锤有两种,一种是木制的鼓棒,另外一种是由钢丝制成的钢丝刷
Drum kit or Drum set

