915英语怎么写( 二 )

3.100%用英语怎么说100%的英文翻译是a hundred percent 。
词汇分析释义:百分之百;完全 短语 a hundred percent absolutely 百分之百 a hundred percent cotton 百分百的棉 I'm a hundred percent sure 我完全肯定 i'm a hundred percent certain 我百分之百肯定 拓展资料 1、I'm a hundred percent certain. 我百分之百的肯定 。2、If you're not a hundred percent passionate about your work, then it's impossible to wake up everyday feeling motivated when you wake up. 除非你对你的工作有百分之百的热情 , 那么你不可能每天都是醒来后劲头十足 。
3、I am a hundred percent in disagreement with you . 我百分之一百不同意此事 。4、Son : I'm a hundred percent certain. 儿子:我百分之百地肯定 。
5、Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft's Flight Simulator. 早在80年代中期 。除非一台IBM兼容机能够运行微软的模拟飞行 , 否则它的兼容性就不能被100%的肯定 。
4.化学专业英语翻译 不要翻译工具翻译好了 , 接一下 D ,L252单取代海因是工业生产 D2氨基酸的重要前体[1~3 ] 。
海因酶具有底物特异性  , D2海因酶(EC 3151212)可转化外消旋的D ,L252单取代海因中的D型消旋体成为D2N2氨甲酰氨基酸  , 剩余的L252单取代海因由于完全不被 D2海因酶所作用  , 如图 1所示  , 先进行消旋  , 从而使得 D ,L2海因完全转化为光学纯的 D2N2氨甲酰氨基酸  , 并进一步被转化为D2氨基酸 。因此  , 52单取代海因的自发消旋成为L2或D2N2氨甲酰氨基酸生产中的一个重要的步骤 。
若海因的自发消旋速率远低于海因水解酶的水解速率  , 则海因的消旋将成为D2N2氨甲酰氨基酸生产中的一个限速步骤 。目前关于 52单取代海因的消旋的文献非常少  , 海因消旋的细节问题也没有被完全揭示 。
D.L 252 monosubstituted hydantoin is the important precursor of industrial produced D2 amino acid. Hydantoin has substrate specificity. D2 hydantoinase (EC3151212) can change the D type racemates of the racemic D,L252 monosubstituted hydantoin to D2N2 carbamoylase, and the leftover L252 monosubstituted hydantoin due to never reacted with D2 hydantoinase, shown as figure 1, firstly racemizing, thus makes the D,L2 hydantoin completely changes to pure optical D2N2 carbamoylase, and then be changed to D2 amino acid. Therefore, the auto racemization of L252 monosubstituted hydantoin is an important step of the production of L2 or D2N2 carbamoylase. If the ratio of the auto racemization of the hydantoin is much lower than the hydrolytic ratio of hydantoin hydrolase(?), the racemization of hydantoin will be a speed limited step of the production of D2N2 carbamoylase. As so far, there is just a little of literature of L252 monosubstituted hydantoin, and the details of the racemization of hydantoin are not revealed. 1 材料与方法111 实验材料 L2丙氨酸(国家生化工程中心) 、L2苯丙氨酸(国家生化工程中心) 、氰酸钠(江都化工厂)  , 其他试剂为国产分析纯试剂 。112 实验方法11211 52取代海因衍生物的制备 采用Henze2Speer法[4~5 ]进行52取代海因衍生物的制备:反应温度为60~80 ℃ 。
反应6 h后  , 加入盐酸酸化  , 继续加热 8 h  , 冷却后过滤得到的固体用酒精和水的混合溶液重结晶  , 得到无色晶状目的产物 。因使用的氨基酸不同  , 反应条件略有变化  , 产率一般为40 %~80 %  , 所得的52取代海因具有和底物氨基酸相同的旋光方向 。
1, material and method111 Experimental materials L2 alanine (national biochemical technical centre), L2 phenylalanine (national biochemical technical centre), sodium cyanate(Jiangdu chemical plant), The others are Chinese made analytical agent. 112 Experimental methods11211 The preparation of 52 substituted hydantoin ramification. The henze 2 speer method is used to prepare the 52 substituted hydantoin ramification. The temperature of reaction is 60~80 ℃ ,  after 6 hours add hydrochloric acid, and then heat it for 8 hours. Cool down then filter the liquid, recrystallize the gained solid with the mixed liquid of alcohol and water. The final product is colorless crystal. Due to different amino acids are used, the reaction conditions have a bit different. Normally the percentage yield is 40%-80%, the gained 52 substituted hydantoin has same optical rotation with substrate amino acid. 11212 海因衍生物的消旋 a.精确称量41000 g L252甲基海因  , 溶解于蒸馏水中  , 定容至250 mL  , 测定其旋光度  , 并以此值为未消旋化的起始数据 。b.用 6 mol/ L 的 NaOH溶液调整海因溶液 pH值达810 ,90 ℃水浴2 h  , 于旋光仪上测定其旋光度 。