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4.中文名翻译英文名我帮你 设计一个 英文名
1 曾 在百家姓的英文中为 Tsang
所有百家姓 英文 可参照
pleting necessary language courses. I firmly believe that animation is a vital artistic tool, not only to portray external shapes of the real world, but more importantly to express the internal mental activities of people. Doing further study in Japan is considered to be one of my essential steps to fulfill my ambition in realizing the artistic value of animation. Consequently, I will appreciate and cherish it very much if a chance to fight for this ambition can be offered by granting my visa application.
相信我吧没错的 我在英国念英文系哦~ 保证没有任何语法错误~
签证申请还是最好用比较正式的用词 :D