中国结,每一个结从头到尾都是用一根丝线编结而成,每一个基本结又根据其形、意命名 。把不同的结饰互相结合在一起,或用其它具有吉祥图案的饰物搭配组合,就形成了中国结 。它是数学奥秘的游戏呈现 。有着复杂曼妙的曲线,却可以还原成最单纯的二维线条 。它身上所显示的情致与智慧正是中华古老文明中的一个侧面 。
6.【中国结英语作文】i live with my father and mother in a very big house in dongguan. my parents are both very busy. they leave for work very early in the morning and don t return home until late in the evening.when i am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. we talk about my studies, my health and my school life. i love my parents very grandparents are still living, but they don t live with us. their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. my grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.chinese people eat rice for every meal, but i don t like rice because i think it is tasteless! we eat meat, fish and vegetables. my family eats noodles and congee. my favorite is noodles.i often play computer games because i like it so much. i often watch japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. on long holidays we take trips, too.that is my description of typical family life in china. 。
7.九年级写中国结的英语作文I have always been like Chinese knots, to move back, a child can see my grandmother dajin plate buttons on clothing is a beautiful bow-shaped, like, incredible, pestered my grandmother taught me, but I was young stupid and has not learned. Grown up in love with shopping and small accessories shop in the street to see China knot woven hair ornaments, pectoral, belts, accessories, including a small key ring, looking at simple, done it the kind of a very complicated process.
【中国结用英语怎么写】一直喜欢中国结,向前追溯,小时候看到奶奶大襟衣服上的盘扣,是漂亮的蝴蝶结形的,喜欢的不得了,缠着奶奶教我,可是我小时候很笨,一直没有学会 。长大了爱上了逛街,在街边的小饰物店里看到中国结编成的发饰、胸饰、腰带、配饰,其中有一个小小的钥匙扣,看着简单,做起来却很繁复的那种工艺 。
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