马怎么写英语作文( 二 )

点睛:再巧妙的谎言终究会被事实揭穿的 。
4.描述马的英语作文I like to keep pets such as a dog, a cat and a bird. I have a little cat.It is very lovely.It is black and white.And it has two big eyes.When I come home after school, it will come to me as if it is very happy.And I am very glad to see her every day. When I play with her, my tire from studying is gone. I like to talk with her. It answer me with "miao miao miao". It knows my feeling. I often wash her, even sleep with her. And I always tell her stories.
5.怎么用英语描写马The horse (Equus caballus) is a large odd-toed ungulate mammal, one of ten living species of the family Equidae.
For centuries horses have been one of the most economically important domesticated animals, especially relied upon for farmwork and for transportation. Their importance declined following the introduction of mechanization. The history of the horse is prominent in religion, mythology, art, transportation, agriculture, and warfare.
Most horses perform work such as carrying humans or are harnessed to pull objects such as carts or plows. Hundreds of distinct horse breeds have been developed, allowing horses to be specialized for certain tasks; lighter horses for racing or riding, heavier horses for farming and other tasks requiring pulling power. Some horses, such as the miniature horse, can be kept as pets. In some societies, horses are a source of food, both meat and milk; in others it is taboo to consume these products. In industrialized countries, horses are predominantly kept for leisure and sporting pursuits, while in other parts of the world they are still used as working animals.
Horses and humans have lived and worked together for thousands of years and an extensive specialized vocabulary has arisen to describe virtually every horse behavioral and anatomical characteristic with a high degree of precision.
6.马的英语单词怎么写马的英语:horse,音标: [h??s],按音标读 。
1、don't change horses in midstream proverb choose a sensible moment to change your mind 〈谚〉 不要中流换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略 。
2、from the horse's mouth(of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source (消息)直接来自有关人士的,来自权威人士的 。
3、horses for courses Brit. proverb different people are suited to different things or situations 〈英谚〉 马各有赛场,人各有所长 。
4、to horse(as a command) mount your horses!(作为命令)上马!you can lead(或take) a horse to water but you can't make him drink proverb you can give someone an opportunity, but you can't force them to take it 〈谚〉 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(你可以给人机会,但你不能逼他们去做) 。
7.英语作文写一篇马的外貌不少于40字The horses sometimes after each other play, sometimes running, sometimes the leisurely stroll, sometimes neighing head. It was a horse. Making well! That is how one and the same. An old horse and a little horse in the race. He is low head fling caution to the winds to go ahead. Hard work pays off, finally passed the horse. But after a while, he caught up with the pony. They are well matched, not on. I didn't know what they are doing. Dad told me: "they become leaders! The old horse is the old king, the pony is to challenge. If the challenge is successful and can become the new leader 。
英 [h?:s]
美 [h?:rs]
n. 马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马;
vt. 为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举;
vi. 欲交配,,用于母马;
[例句]A small man on a grey horse had appeared..
一个骑着灰马的小个子男人出现了 。