母亲说想吃桃子,李岳爬上树去摘,一不小心从树上摔了下来,把脚摔断了,他还是忍疼痛一瘸一拐的把桃子捧给母亲吃,她吃了两个,还剩下一个说:“儿啊,你也吃一个吧 。”李岳口也渴了吃了一个,心想怎么怎么好吃,还第一次吃到怎么好吃的东西 。
但是想到还要见王母娘娘还得赶路,就撇了一个树枝当拐杖搀着母亲走,这时忽然来了一群仙女有说有笑,当她们看见李岳母子的时侯说“你们胆子太大了,知道这里是什么地方吗?”一顿训斥 。李岳母子低下头,不知如何是好 。
这时来了一个穿着华美的衣服,样子也很慈祥老妇人斥退了众仙女,问李岳他们从哪里来的. 李岳就一五一十的回答了她.王母夸奖他的孝心,对他的求药乞求也点头同意,王母问他还有什么要求时,李岳说希望得到西王母的药方造福天下老百姓 。
后来西王母西王母点化成仙,封东华教主,授铁杖一根 。李岳带着母亲回到家乡,哥哥看见他们母子俩回来十分惊奇,赶忙就问是不是用了什么药方治疗的?听了李岳一五一十是说清后,一脚跺在地上说: “弟弟还是你行!当初我给母亲诊断的时候就确定必须要君药蛇六谷,天湖露,仙蟠桃这两个臣药方可痊愈,因为三种药难遇,我只好摇头…没有想到还是你的孝心完成了这个常人难完成的事情…… 后来他们兄弟俩齐心协力在家乡留下好多药方. 合肥地方的百姓为纪念这位跛脚的药王就建了一座祠——六谷祠 。
<> Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou: To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual. Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable." The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake's beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more。