接吻英文怎么写( 二 )

and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection.
Maria blew him a kiss.
4.“亲吻”的英文字母怎么写kiss 英 [k?s] 美 [k?s] vt.接吻;轻拂;轻微碰撞 。
vi.接吻;轻触 。n.吻;轻触;小糖果;蛋白甜饼,球形饼干 第三人称单数: kisses 复数: kisses 现在分词: kissing 过去式: kissed 过去分词: kissed 。
1、V-RECIP 吻;亲吻 If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye. Kiss is also a noun. I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. 我抱着她吻了她一下 。We gave each other hugs and kisses every morning. 我们每天早晨都拥抱亲吻对方 。
2、VERB 轻吻(以示尊敬) If you kiss something, you touch it lightly with your lips, usually as a sign of respect. The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor 。这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手 。
3、VERB 轻拂;轻触 If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently. The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway.飞机的轮子轻触跑道 。4、PHRASE 飞吻 If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, 。
and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection.Maria blew him a kiss. 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻 。
古典的来由:在欧洲很久以前,很少人会读写,所以他们常常用'X'来代替签名 。这很像中国古代的画押 。然后他们会亲吻这个叉,如同亲吻十字架(crucifix)或《圣经》(Bible)那样,表示对这个标记(mark)重要性的认可 。这很可能是'X'表示吻的来源 。也有可能'X'模仿了亲吻时双唇撅起(pursing of the lips)的形状 。当然,也有可能它来源于'X '与'kiss'发音相近的事实 。
现在网络或者短信比较普遍用xoxo,表示亲吻拥抱的意思,具体请参考下面的链接 。

