变性英文怎么写( 二 )

2.人妖的英语怎么写“人妖”的英语是 Shemale;hemophrodite ; lady-boy短语1、何为人妖 What positive known ; What is Simon ; What is a freak2、人妖篇 Double3、菲律宾人妖 Philippines freak4、人妖表演 simon show ; Tiffany Show ; Ladyboy show ; Cabaret Show5、泰国人妖 Thai Shemale ; Ladyboy ; Thailand freak ; Wdmm6、网络人妖 Oretsue a to7、人妖公案 the shemale case8、人妖秀 SIMON SHOW ; tiffany show ; Tiffany's Show ; simon cabaret例句:1、大多数商铺和旅馆老板也打包走人,同时离开的还有泰国的人妖表演以及妓女大军 。
Most shop and restaurant owners have packed up and left,as have the Thai transvestite showand the legions of prostitutes.2、所以说做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖.Being a devil is the same as being a human. We should be kind.3、很多商店餐馆的老板,甚至是人妖表演团和妓女都离开了这里,中国更加严格的签证管理更是雪上加霜 。Most shop and restaurant owners have packed up and left, as have the Thai transvestite show and the legions of prostitutes. Stricter visa rules for Chinese tourists have added to the squeeze.4、但有关官员坦言,该规定的执行可能非常困难,因"人妖"手术15分钟就能完成,私人诊所容易秘密进行 。
Senior health officials admit that it may be difficult to police the ban. The operation can beperformed in 15 minutes.5、泰国日前规定,禁止医院和诊所进行"人妖"手术 。Hospitals and clinics in Thailand have been banned from performing castrations for non-medical reasons. 。
发音:英 [d??pr?v?ti] 美 [d??pr?v?ti]
具体释义:n.堕落; 腐败; 恶行e68a84e8a2ade79fa5e9819331333366303130; 堕落腐化的行为
1、Progressive educators emphasized students' inner goodness and curiosity, not inner depravity.
进步的教育家开始强调学生们内心的善与好奇,而非堕落 。
2、Human depravity was always near to normal behavior, it can change very quickly 。
人的堕落总是离正常行为很近,它会很快改变 。
3、When it comes to computer games, I think parents first reaction is that the street the rows of video games in the game, and the children and depravity.
【变性英文怎么写】一提到电脑游戏,我想家长们的第一反应会是那街头游艺厅里的一排排游戏机以及一个个孩子因此而堕落的情景 。
词根: deprave
adj. depraved 堕落的;腐化的;卑鄙的
n. depravation 恶化;堕落
v. depraved 使腐化(deprave的过去式和过去分词)
vt. deprave 使堕落;使腐败
justice depravity 司法腐败
depravity of heart murder 极端轻率谋杀罪
depravity of man 人性的堕落
sink into depravity 沉沦

