发offer的邮件怎么写( 二 )

Sincerely,Rebecca R. Student
google的 , 自己再稍微改改
3.拒绝公司的OFFER的信件应该怎么写title: to dear sir
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for ***  ,  -然后对你放弃的这个职位和他们的公司称赞一番- , -说你的decline这个offer的原因- I have had another offer which I believe more closely matches my current career goals and interests.-然后说你选择的痛苦-Therefore, although it was a difficult decision , -再就是希望能找到更合适的人选和以后大家要keep in touch 。
标题就写to Dear somebody
或者写 responses of the xxx's offer
4.拒绝公司的OFFER的信件应该怎么写title: to dear sirbody: Dear Sir,Thank you very much for ***  ,  -然后对你放弃的这个职位和他们的公司称赞一番- , -说你的decline这个offer的原因- I have had another offer which I believe more closely matches my current career goals and interests.-然后说你选择的痛苦-Therefore, although it was a difficult decision , -再就是希望能找到更合适的人选和以后大家要keep in touch 。
>>我尤其想知道邮件的标题应该写什么标题就写to Dear somebody 或者写 responses of the xxx's offer 。

