看不懂的韩文怎么写( 三 )

23. I am having trouble understanding this map. Can you show me where we are on the map? 我看不懂这张地图,你能指出我们现在是在哪里吗?24. I hope that the journal will be well edited and that it will publish a good deal of lively writing, carefully avoiding wooden and trite articles which are flat, insipid and unintelligible. 我希望这个报纸好好地办下去,多载些生动的文字,切忌死板、老套,令人看不懂,没味道,不起劲 。25. I enjoyed the book as far as Part Two; after that, it got a bit past me. 这本书我读得津津有味的只是一二两章;以后的我就有点看不懂了 。
26. The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon way above my head. 候诊室里唯一的杂志是一份全是术语的科学期刊,我看不懂 。27. When The Theoretician writes code, it is so “elegant” that mere mortals cannot make sense of it. 当理论家写代码的时候,他的代码是如此的“优美”,以至于我们这些凡人根本就看不懂 。
28. We used to work between 30-50% in advance with order confirmation , and the final balance with shipment notification. Sometimes the final invoice has differences with the proforma. 请问他最后一句话是什么意思啊?为什么说有时候最终发票会和形式发票有差异啊?我看不懂啊.29. Some have criticized his poetry as elitist,unnecessarily impervious to readers who do not share his erudition(Elizabeth Kastor. 有人批评他的诗是精英主义的诗歌,那些没有他那种学识的人根本看不懂,这完全没有必要(伊丽莎白·卡斯特) 。30. What must the english and french think of the language of our philosopher when we german do not understand it ourselves. 可不晓得英国人和法国人对我们那些哲学家的文章作何想法,那是连我们德国人自己也看不懂的呢 。
31. I ask to write very how the course of order looks?. what are the haulage? Is minimum order required? Nio and whether mail to Poland does not it inflict problem? 夹杂着波兰语的客户的信,我实在看不懂他什么意思!大伙给个意见,顺便说一下该怎么回!32. I also can speak Korean, but i can not understand your writing. If u need help, i will help you to writ again the job advertasing. 我也可以说韩文,但是看不懂你写的韩文意思 。如果你需要帮忙的话,我乐意帮你从新写这个求职广告的 。
33. Would you like an attempt to be made to connect this virtual device every time you power on the virtual machine? 您要不要企图被做每次连接这个虚拟设备的虚拟机?到底是不是这个意思,看不懂,出现这个对话是啥意思,有什么问题吗?34. A reader who was moving house found some calligraphy and paintings of horses and birds in an old wooden crate while clearing up stuff belonging to his late grandfather. As he could not。

