骆驼用英语怎么写的( 二 )

骆驼善于走沙漠,因为它有两对奇特的脚掌,掌下生着宽厚的像弹簧一样的肉垫,走路时脚趾在前方叉开,这样,在沙面上走路不会陷到沙窝里去 。它在旅行中,将头抬得高高的,眼睛不会被地面上阳光反射的高热所灼伤 。
骆驼的长睫毛的眼睛,自动开闭的鼻孔,长满密毛的耳朵,都能使它免遭风沙的袭击…… 早在2000年前的西汉,我国人民就用骆驼作为通向西域的交通工具 。Camel Profile Camel hair is generally brown, some yellow, gray and other colors; Health atop a cluster hair, fluffy hair long; Hump mast and fullness, even after the summer shed a thick residual hair; more sturdy limbs, and the wide-toed. A Bactrian camel and two single peak. Bactrian camel in northern China have extensive domestication, and so far in the northwest region of Inner Mongolia is still to see. Last very long once extraoral trade between Beijing and the major means of transport, known as the "boat of the capital" reputation. Unimodal camel that has been distributed in China's Xinjiang area, but now only found in the Arabian Peninsula, India and Northern Africa, and other places. Its hair was shorter, with a life span of 50 years. Camel rid of a water balloon, can store a lot of water; Camel's Hump two tall, which can store more than 100 kg of fat, if necessary, could be transformed into a water and energy and to maintain the camel's life activities. Therefore, in the desert, can be 34 consecutive days at home, suitable for long distance. Andrew camel in the desert will become the major means of transport. As camels walking or jogging at the time, while extending the left or right of way, So who will ride sitting very unstable. Camel is a desert area of transport. The world has a single peak and the Bactrian camel, the most obvious difference is the number of different hump. I made in Bactrian camel, a spine around the same two saddle Hump. We usually see the camels are home, their ancestors were wild camels living in Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia desert region, with its home is the difference between camel : Hump short, slender legs, a body of short hair, pale yellow color. As the number of wild camels extremely rare, has been listed as a protected species. In the desert long-distance running, often hungry and thirsty, and then the fatty hump will be biodegradable, Camel intimate supply needed nutrients and moisture. Camel in the desert dry run thirst, because it usually drink less, one can drink within 10 minutes more than 100 liters of water to drink; Meanwhile drainage less in the summer day from only about one or urine. it is not easy openings to prevent water on the body, in the summer desert, It can be eight days without water will not dry out. Camel good at taking the desert, because it had two unusual soles of the feet, to hold next life as generous as the spring winds. walking on toes to the front stretched apart, then walk in the sand surface subsidence that will Shawodi somewhere. In its travel, lift up his head high, eyes will be on the ground sunlight reflected by the high fever burns. Camel long eyelashes eyes,。

