玉兔英语怎么写( 二 )

兔仙把嫦娥的遭遇告诉雌兔,并说想送一个孩子跟嫦娥作伴 。雌兔虽然深深同情嫦娥,但是又舍不得自己的宝贝女儿,这等于是割下它心头的肉啊!几个女儿也舍不得离开父母,一个个泪流满面 。雄兔语重心长地说道:“如果是我孤独地被关起来,你们愿意陪伴我吗?嫦娥为了解救百姓,受到牵累,我们能不同情她吗?孩子,我们不能只想到自己呀!”
孩子们明白了父亲的心,都表示愿意去 。雄兔和雌兔眼里含着泪,笑了 。它们决定让最小的女儿去 。
Moon dao medicine
Long ago, there was a legend, the rabbit practice millennium became immortal. They have four lovely daughter was born to pure cute.
One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits, it jidai chaotian wives leave, stepping on the cloud temple. While it is worse, see come too the platinum star day will lead the moon from the side. The rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside. After hearing her immortal, that moon rabbit, pity her innocent suffering. But his meager strength, what can I do for you? A man in chang of chang-e, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.
The moon fairy rabbit rabbit, and tell the female in a child to say with the moon company. Although females deeply sympathize with moon rabbit, but also to his baby daughter, the heart of flesh cut it!!!!! Daughters also reluctant to leave their parents, with tears in her eyes. The rabbit to longly say: "if I were alone is locked up, would you like to accompany me? Moon in order to save the people, we can not tie? Child sympathize with her, we can think only about yourself!"
The children understand the father's heart, all wants to go. Males and females rabbit rabbit, with tears in his eyes and smiled. They decided to let the youngest daughter.
5.关于兔的英语成语1 白兔赤乌 月亮和太阳的代称 。多借指时间 。
2 东兔西乌 兔、乌:古代神话传说中说,月亮里有玉兔,太阳里有三足金乌,所以用乌、兔代表日月 。月亮东升,太阳西 。
3 动如脱兔 比喻行动敏捷 。
4 东门逐兔 用以作为为官遭祸,抽身悔迟之典 。同“东门黄犬” 。
5 待兔守株 比喻墨守成规不知变通或妄想不劳而获,坐享其成 。同“守株待兔”
6 得兔忘蹄 犹言得鱼忘荃 。蹄,兔罝 。
7 龟毛兔角 乌龟身上生毛,兔子头上长角 。比喻不可能存在或有名无实的东西 。
8 获兔烹狗 比喻事成之后排斥以至杀害有功之臣 。亦作“狡兔死,良狗烹” 。
9 狐兔之悲 狐死则兔悲,兔死则狐亦悲 。比喻因同类的死亡而感到痛心悲伤 。
10 狐死兔泣 比喻因同类的死亡而感到悲伤 。
11 见兔放鹰 看到野兔,立即放出猎鹰追捕 。比喻行动及时,适合需要 。
12 见兔顾犬 看到了兔子,再回头叫唤猎狗去追捕 。比喻动作虽稍迟,但赶紧想办法,还来得及 。
13 狡兔死,良犬烹 比喻给统治者效劳的人事成后被抛弃或杀掉 。同“狡兔死,良狗烹” 。
14 狡兔三窟 狡猾的兔子准备好几个藏身的窝 。比喻隐蔽的地方或方法多 。
15 静若处子,动若脱兔 指军队未行动时就像未出嫁的女子那样沉静,一行动就像逃脱的兔子那样敏捷 。
16 静如处女,动如脱兔 处女:未嫁的女子;脱兔:逃跑的兔子 。指军队未行动时象未出嫁的姑娘那样持重;一行动就象飞跑的兔子那 。
17 兔死狗烹 烹:烧煮 。兔子死了,猎狗就被人烹食 。比喻给统治者效劳的人事成后被抛弃或杀掉 。
18 狡兔三穴 比喻隐蔽的地方或方法多 。同“狡兔三窟” 。
19 惊猿脱兔 如受惊的猿猴、脱逃的兔子 。形容迅速奔逃 。
20 狼奔兔脱 形容仓皇逃窜 。