2、People how are well aware of the problems AAA creates: (1)AAA 带来的问题 。The solution, I think, is for government to (2) 政府所要解决的问题 。One way is that (3) 措施之一 。There is also another way (4) 措施之二 。Moreover, (5) 措施之三 。Indeed, we should make great efforts to solve this problem(6) 总结自己的观点 。3、In most countries AAA is causing a considerable number of problems. In some countries it is difficult to (1) 阐述 AAA 带来的第一个问题 。In addition, (2)AAA 带来的第二个问题 。Also,(3)AAA 带来的第三个问题 。In my opinion, there are two main solutions to the discussed question. Firstly, (4) 第一个解决方案 。Secondly, (5) 第二个解决方案 。This is beginning to habe an effect in some countries. I believe that other countries will also tade this way to solve the problem in the near future. To sum up, if the problem continues, the effects will be great. So we should (6) 总结观点 。
4.什么是雅思REPORT大作文雅思大作文写作可分为两种类型:Report和Argumentation,而Report属于比较特殊的“偷袭题”,一般每年出现5-6次左右 。Report题型的特征是——
类似这样的题目:It is said that people's life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it?
或者这样的措辞:what is the reason, what is the effect, what should our government do 。
report文章的结构一般可以分四段 。
第一段:直接开题 。report文章不需要有什么观点存在,只要说明现象即可 。
第二段,说明引起此种现象的原因 。
第三段:说明此种现象造成的影响 。可顺着题目询问的内容展开 。
第四段:说明解决之道 。
5.雅思大作文report题是什么样的啊当我们坐在考场时遇到这样的题目:It is said that people's life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 或者遇到这样的字样what is the reason, what is the affect, what should our government do? 那么恭喜你,你遇到的是典型的一篇report 。
那么report文章的结构应该是怎样的呢?很简单 。只要分四段就OK啦 。
第一段:不用说啦,引出来题就好了,只是report文章不需要有什么观点存在,只要说明现象就可以 。
第二段,就要写引起这件事的reason 。
第三段:自然就是affect了 。就顺着题目的问法一段段写就OK了 。
第四段:也就是how to solve it 。
上面四段就是雅思大作文Report类型模板的全部内容,非常简单吧 。其实雅思大作文report类型一般出现的机率不会太大 。所以考试前一要看预测,二就要关注一下前几次考试有没有出现Report,如果没有出现,准备一下喽 。这样的文章其实还是很好写的,大家好好把握语言就可以了 。
6.雅思写作常见类型Report写作模板有哪些Report类型的写作是雅思写作中最常见的一种,所以准备一个这个类型的写作模板还是非常有必要的 。
首段: (引子) 第一句: 描述背景(引子) it is indisputable fact that … 替换句型: it is an undeniable fact that … it is an irrefutable fact that 第二句:(可有可无) the serious consequences of are often felt in our life。第三句:承上启下:In this essay , I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solution to it。
替换句型: In the following essay , I aim to identify the sources of this problem as well as some viable solution to it。第二段: 分析原因 第一句: Chief among the causes of this problem is … 。
替换句型: 第二句: In the past,… 第三句: Consequently,… 第四句: Another major contributing factor is that … 第三段:提供解决方案 第一句: In order to address its root causes 。Perhaps the most effective method of doing this would be for people to do sth 。