景点介绍英文作文怎么写( 二 )

首先,我代表公司,我热烈欢迎我所有的各位嘉宾从澳大利亚到上海,东方明珠电视塔 。坐落于黄浦江畔,东方明珠电视塔现在的象征的城市 。
建于1994年向公众开放,在1995年,它是目前最高的建筑在上海的第三次亚洲最高的 。该大楼有一个非常独特的结构和组成,3大5小球 。
里面的球,你可以鸟瞰城市 。我们的时间表去电视塔如下:你有一个小时,上午9:30-10:30的历史经验,上海市一楼 。
然后,我们会聚集在中间的大厅10:30和一个小时忽视了这个美丽的城市风景中球 。最后请不要忘记到顶端球11:30地享受您的午餐 。
谢谢收听 。有一个好的时间!以下是介绍great wall的作文 The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century, in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic, Mongol, Turkic, and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria. Several walls, also referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC, the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built during the Ming Dynasty, and little of it remains. The Great Wall of China was originally a project of the Chairman Mao during the Cultural revolution designed to keep out the nomadic Xiongnu invaders from the north. Some of the wall was built during the Qin, but most of it that we see today was constructed during the Ming dynasty. The Great Wall is the world's largest man-made structure, stretching over a formidable 6,352 km (3,948 miles), from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east, at the limit between "China proper" and Manchuria (Northeast China), to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region [1]. Along most of its arc, it roughly delineates the border between North China and Inner Mongolia.See List of largest buildings in the world l love great wall.how wonderful! 以下是介绍长城的作文 长城是中国强化建设中国从公元前5世纪开始,直到17世纪,为了保护各个朝代的袭击Hunnic ,蒙古人,突厥,以及其他游牧部落从地区现代蒙古和满洲 。
一些墙壁,也被称为长城的中国,是建立自公元前5世纪,最有名的是一个220之间建立公元前200年的第一次中国皇帝,秦始皇;这道墙是位于多进一步北部比目前的墙建于明代,几乎没有它依然存在 。长城最初是中国的一个项目毛主席在文革期间,旨在保持了游牧民族匈奴入侵者来自北方 。
一些墙建于秦代,但大多数认为我们今天看到的是建造在明代 。长城是世界上最大的人造结构,延伸了一项艰巨的6352公里( 3948英里) ,来自上海的通行证渤海在东部地区,在极限之间的“中国适当”和满洲(中国东北) ,以罗布泊东南的部分新疆维吾尔自治区[ 1 ]。
随着它的大部分电弧,它大致勾画了南北之间边界的中国和内蒙古Mongolia.See名单中最大的建筑世界 升热爱伟大的wall.how了不起 。
5.介绍景点的英语作文50个单词 急Welcome to XXX!
I feel honored to be your guide for the one-day tour to the XXX. First of all, on behalf my travel agency, I'd like to extend my welcome to all of you.
Our schedule for today is to visit the famous scenic spot --- the XXX, which is the historic architecture in the city of XXX. As the origin of XXX, the XXX has become the world cultural heritage. I'm quite sure that you will be impressed by the beauty of the royal construction and the long history of the city as well. Wish you have great fun during the whole day!
Ok, next, I will show you around the whole XXX and introduce it in details to you.
6.介绍一个景点的英语作文The Lao Mount is one of the birth places of Taoism. Since the Spring and Autumn period, many wizards whowere engaged in preserving good health have gathered there. And it has become the nationally-renowned Immortal Mountain at the East Sea. After the founding of New China, the Qingdao municipal government funded it to repair and maintain temples in the mountain, and therefore the Taoism has been well preserved. Since the openingof the 3rd session of the 11th NPPCC, the city government began to gradually restore some temples, to implement the policies of religion, to call back Taoists, to rebuild the sculptures and to return the properties as planned.