从那以后我一天就喂小鱼两到三次,而且每次只喂一点 。每当我走到鱼缸边,它们就冲着我摇头摆尾,看到我手里的食物它们就会更高兴,身体摇摆的更欢快 。它们会把头抬高,把嘴伸出水面,待我把手放到水面附近,它们就用嘴去抢我手里的食 。于是我把食物均匀地撒在水面上,它们就张大嘴巴转着身子不停地抢着吃 。
我的小鱼很可爱,它可是我的好朋友 。每当我写完作业的时候,就会静静地坐在鱼缸边看它 。
小鱼若是高兴,它就会不分昼夜地摆动它的大尾巴和鳍在水里不停的游动,它摆右鳍就向右转,它摆左鳍就向左转 。它还会做游戏 。它会张开嘴巴吐出泡泡,一个、两个、三个,哄自己玩 。这可都凭它高兴,它若是不高兴啊,它就会一边游,一边用头撞玻璃 。
4.金鱼的作文怎么写300字几天前,爸爸买了几条小金鱼,不知要干什么,我觉得它们很好玩,就叫爸爸留下两条给我养,爸爸答应了 。我决定把它们养在水桶里 。
我第一次到池塘里装了半桶水,撒了点米,把金鱼放进去,它们在里面游来游去,高兴极了 。看着它们津津有味的吃着食物,我心里乐开了花 。
过了几天,我去给金鱼换水,为了方便,,我就从井缸里舀了半桶水 。可是自从换了井水,小金鱼有些反常,难道它们生病了,我急坏了 。我想来想去,忽然想到小金鱼是生活在池塘里的,我急忙又给小金鱼换上了池塘里的水,啊,刚才不活泼的小金鱼大概觉得舒服了,它们又摆动着尾巴和往日一样快乐地游动着 。
哦,我发现了,原来这两个小家伙喜欢生活在池塘的水中 。
我妈妈今天给我买了3只可爱的小金鱼 。
3只金鱼颜色不同 。其中一只是黑色的,两个眼睛鼓鼓的,像两个小皮球,嘴一张一合,尾巴一摇一摆,两边的鱼鳍像船浆,向前摇动着 。我特别喜欢它那条油黑发亮的尾巴,像英语中的字母V,更像一位英勇善战的先生 。
另一只是红白相间的鹤顶红 。它的头部有红斑,嘴巴圆圆的像我们拼音中的字母O,吐出白白的泡泡 。鱼鳞晶莹透明,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,就像仙女披上了白纱,戴上了帽子 。
还有一只七彩金鱼 。它最顽皮,每次喂饲料时它总是第一个游过来,当另两只过来时,它会用尾巴攻击它们,直到把所有的饲料都吃到自己的肚子才停止攻击 。
金鱼吃食时十分有趣,总是先把身子竖起,张开小嘴,飞快地向食物扑去,然后将食物吐出来又吞进去,真好玩 。每当吃饱后,就在他们的小天地里自由自在地游来游去 。三只小金鱼互相吐着泡泡,好像在述说它们快乐的心情 。当我将手伸进鱼缸时,金鱼都躲在一个角落,好像很害怕;我的手转动时,它们也开始转动,生怕我抓住它们 。
我一定要养好这几条金鱼,发现它们更多的秘密 。
6.金鱼的作文怎样写 I enjoy fish from a young age, raised many of the species. So far, I have the cylindrical fish tank in the six small goldfish so cute. These small goldfish of different patterns, different colors. Has red, white and has red, white and white, there is gold and black are also two. They walk up, the mood of it very funny. You see, that red-crowned crane is like a wedding on the , beautiful and elegant, the number of swimming up the flavor a bit arrogant, it may be too beautiful because of it! Look at that crown Miss golden tulle its tail-like larger than the whole body, when it gently swing, the is like a fairy. The name of that black lion head, longer spheronization spheronization, and travel with a little hard, but an air of tranquility, quite gentleman. When the six small goldfish with the shaman at the fish tank in the water when swimming, I do not have a taste, a little more than that is not less exciting dance. Operators want the most exciting scenes of the small feeding of goldfish. When I put a group of fish into the water, six small goldfish to normal one, though, the gentle mood, quick response, really very hard to believe. Sometimes, because of turning in a hurry, rolling the meat from the body almost doubled. Even so, it will not affect the fish toward their food, they will put up half swallow fish. They will usually eat a for, that scene really makes people simmer with laughter. My small goldfish lively, sweet, give my life to add a lot of fun. 我从小喜欢养鱼,养过的品种也不少 。