First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my
supervisor, Dr. Liu Shaolong, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar,
who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this
thesis. Without his enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I
could not have completed my thesis. His keen and vigorous academic observation
enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.
I shall extend my thanks to Mrs. Liu for all her kindness and help. I would
also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental
and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to the
teachers and students from No. 16 Senior Middle School and Guangdong
University of Foreign Studies, who participated this study with great cooperation.
Last but not least, I' d like to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.
壹拾万陆仟陆佰零捌元贰角贰分 。陆佰零捌元贰角贰分,“零”字可写可不写 。
人民币(大写):数字大写写法:零、壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、亿、万、仟、佰、拾 。注意:“万”字不带单人旁 。举例:(1) 289,546.52 贰拾捌万玖仟伍佰肆拾陆元伍角贰分 。(2) 7,560.31 柒仟伍佰陆拾元零叁角壹分此时 “陆拾元零叁角壹分”“零”字可写可不写.(3) 532.00 伍佰叁拾贰元正“正”写为“整”字也可以 。不能写为“零角零分”(4) 425.03 肆佰贰拾伍元零叁分(5) 325.20 叁佰贰拾伍元贰角 。角字后面可加“正“字,但不能写“零分”,比较特殊 。
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