每天放学回来,我就把手伸进笼子里,要去抚摸它们,蓝蓝见了,经常是以为是好吃的,就跑过来啄了又啄 。直到我叫它别逗了,它才罢休 。它跳上我的手,让我抚摸它,有时还故意“恶作剧”在我手上拉几滴屎,拉完后,就跑到角落里,好像怕我惩罚它似的;白白则不同,它的性情十分温和 。我抚摸它的羽毛的时候,它就亲切地用尖嘴啄啄我的手指 。
有一次,我看见它们头上长出了一些白白的东西,我问爸爸:“那是什么?”爸爸有学问似的说:“它们是在换毛哩!”过了几天,它们头上又多了一些相似它们羽毛颜色的毛长出来了 。
每次喂鱼的时候,我都会站在水族箱前呆呆地观看半天,因为这些鹦鹉鱼吃饲料时的情景很有意思,那场景真是“饿鱼扑食”!每次喂它们吃食物时,水族箱里都乱作一团,它们争先恐后,好像在说:“我要先吃!我先吃!”当我把饲料放入水族箱的时候,这些鹦鹉鱼先是小心翼翼地从水底游到水面上,看到食物后猛地一扑,它们吃到食物后,再迅速地潜入水底,细细地品尝美味去了 。直到它们都吃饱了才安静下来 。
它们悠闲的时候也很可爱!有的鱼儿成群结队,随着“水中音乐”(氧气泵工作时的声音)迈着优美的步伐在水中翩翩起舞;有的三只一组你追我赶,玩起了追逐游戏;还有的两只一对说着悄悄话;还有好学的鱼儿在“水中图书馆”认真地看“天书”(水族箱漂亮的背景图案) 。
我家的鹦鹉鱼特别胆小,有时听到大的声音,或是突然打开水族箱的灯,它们就会胆战心惊地游到一起,躲在水族箱的角落缩成一团,过了好一会儿才肯游出来 。
5.写鹦鹉的作文Never let life disappoint yourself
As the saying goes,while closing a door in front of you,life has opens another behind for you at the same time.It is easy to say,but not everyone can understand this truth until they experience.
I am an explorer,for the love and curiosity to parrot,I set out to South America's primeval forest for the trace of its rare kind.It was not the first time I had been there,but I held the same sort of scare while involving myself in that mysterious environment.I was bite last time by a poisonous snake,and nearly lost my life.I was ever run after by some kind of big animal.Who knows this time 。
I selected the best time to the forest,the fresh morning,with binoculars,camera,a bag and little water.Without knowing the real hiden place,I had to look for while exploring.But time never waited us to the right chance,after a whole day's hiking,there was still no hope.For the reason of hunger and tired,I was planning to go back with disappointment.While my turning back,I was astonished by a quaint sound,by the expert's ear,I can judge that was what I want.Slowly,I seized the right place of my target,taking this chance to finish my task.
It happens often that life likes to torment you by its way.Many people will pay more attention to the consequences it causes,but stop to look forward and to find out the real reason and willing that the life wants to show.What's more,the more precious life wants to give you,the much later it comes.Only the perseverant one who hold hope inside her mind all the way will see the wealth.So,if you are busy with complaining about life,it is time to stop.
我家养了一只小鹦鹉,它叫“艳艳” 。因为它的颜色非常鲜艳,羽毛是五颜六色的,有黄色、绿色、红色、蓝色、黑色,像披了一件彩色的大衣 。头上有一层绿色好像那是他的头巾,脖子上的羽毛就像黑色的领带,腹部的羽毛好像他的橘色内衣,他背上的羽毛就像它的蓝色棉袄,它圆圆的小脑袋镶嵌了一双黑洞洞的小眼睛,像两颗黑珠子 。他的透亮的眼睛下面有一张棕色的嘴,那钩状形的小嘴巴像个鱼钩 。红色的爪子就像两把锋利的剪刀,又像穿了一双红色的小鞋子 。你可别惹它,它会对陌生人使出全力去啄你的手 。