4. 最后挑的是小胖子 。
The obese child was picked last.
5. 他皮肤有点黑,长得胖胖的,爱吃东西,爱睡觉,别人都叫他小胖子 。
His skin a little bit black, grow fat, and eat something, love to sleep, others call him little fat.
6. 他就说,跟着这个小胖子 。你比我胖啊 。
Right! OK, follow me, follow me.
7. 青蛙在汤里煮了一会之后开始膨胀,上下浮动,头从汤面上探出来,好像一个个身穿救生衣的喝醉酒的小胖子 。
After a few moments in the broth they began to swell up, and bobbed around on the surface with their heads poking up like fat little drunk men in lifejackets.
