短语 哪些英语怎么写( 三 )

上 Concentrate on……18.与 。.有联系 Be in contact with……….19.交换.互换. Swap, exchange20.启航去某地 Make sail to somewhere21.做某事的时间成熟了 The time is ripe to do it22.有象征意义 It has symbolic significance23.用完 Used up, finished24.提到.参考.意指 Mention, reference, meaning25.拥有 Possess26.长江的源头 The source of Yangtze River27.除 。
以外 Other than…..28.作出努力 Put in effort29.使某人成为理想的伙伴 Make someone to become an ideal partner30.被誉为民族英雄 Extolled as a national hero这是3.4单元的. 1.由 。组成 Formation by…..2.代表 Representative3.对 。
有很深得影响 It has a profound effect on……4.遭受了大萧条的苦难 Experienced the sufferings of depression5.从 。当中获益 Benefited from……………6.用 。
来喂养 Use….as feeding, fed by………. 7.与某人分享某物 Sharing with someone8.按植物总类分类 Categorized by the general classification of plants 9.第一眼看起来 The impression of first look10.与某人成为终身好友 Become a lifelong good friend of someone11.过着一种安逸的生活 Living an easy and comfortable life12.对知识有很强烈的欲望 A strong urge to learn, 13.任命某人担任职务 The appointment of someone to office14.把科学作为终身事业 Taking science as a lifelong career15.大规模的 Big scale, massive16.积极参与 Active participation17.积累大量的知识 Accumulation of substantial knowledge18.享有对 。的充分自由 Enjoy the total freedom of …………19.以 。
为基础 Basing…..as foundation20.代代相传 Carried on by generation and generation, handed down from generation to generation21.适应新的环境 Adaptive to new environment22.对 。来说同样重要 It is of equal importance to………..23.农作物的产量 The yield of crops这是unit 5的 。
1.与 。同步发展 Simultaneous development with………2,对 。
作出反应 Respond to……,react to………3.指控某人犯了某事 Accusing someone committing something4.潜在的危险 Hidden danger, latent danger5.让 。明白 Make …..understand, to explain to……..6.受青年人青睐 Favorite of young people, welcome by the youths7.对价格和质量进行比较 Compare the price and quality8.促销是一种新产品 The sales promotion is for a new product9.增加利润 Improvement on profits, increase in profits10.使某人意识到 Make someone aware of, make someone realize11.误导消费者 Mislead consumers, 12.小心.当心(一个短语) Be careful, watch out13.警惕.留意(一个短语) On guard, advert14.区别真伪 Distinguish truth from falsehood, determine authenticity.15.成为广告商的把子 Become the target of advertisers16.保护某人免受 。
危害 Protect someone from the danger of… 。17/与 。
不同 It is different from……..18.创造一个正面的形象 Create a positive image19.以 。开始 Start with………20.目的在于(介词短语) The goal is on the……21.吸引读者的注意 Attract the attention of readers22.正要做某事 。
突然 。Just about to do something, suddenly…..23.在最后的时刻 At the last moment24.有意义. Meaningful 。
英 [fre?z] 美 [frez]
vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱)
1、noun phrase [语] 名词短语 ; 名词组 ; 名词词组 ; 名词片语
2、Parting phrase 告别字句
3、Phrase Search 短语检索 ; 词组检索 ; 短语搜索 ; 词组搜索
4、Phrase reading 成组视读 ; 组视读 ; 意群阅读 ; 短语阅读
5、phrase degradation 短语降格
1、Rose's stories weren't bad; she had a nice turn of phrase.